Costume-Con 40 (CC40): Tiara Contest Gallery and Rules

Costume-Con 40 (CC40): Tiara Contest Gallery and Rules

CC40-TC-00b: All Entries

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CC40-TC-00b: All Entries (Photo ID: Betsy R. Marks | Entry Date: 2022)

Competition Staff & Rules


  • Director: Susan Cohen
  • Judge(s): Sara Felix and Susan Cohen

Entries and Awards:

CC40-TC-01: Viridium Circlet
Category: Fantasy | Made by: Jonatha Caspian | Award(s): Honored for Workmanship (Photo ID: DC Cosplay Photo Shoots | Entry Date: 2022)

CC40-TC-02: Earth Arising Tiara
Category: Regal | Made by: Jonatha Caspian | Award(s):  (Photo ID: DC Cosplay Photo Shoots | Entry Date: 2022)

CC40-TC-03: Queen Werewolf Tiara
Category: Fantasy | Made by: Angel Avery-Wright | Award(s):  (Photo ID: DC Cosplay Photo Shoots | Entry Date: 2022)

CC40-TC-04: Titania Queen of Fae
Category: Fantasy | Made by: Rebecca Ryan | Award(s):  (Photo ID: DC Cosplay Photo Shoots | Entry Date: 2022)

CC40-TC-05: Raven Crown
Category: Regal| Made by: Ellen Montgomery | Award(s): Best in Category – Other (Photo ID: DC Cosplay Photo Shoots | Entry Date: 2022)

CC40-TC-06: White Ring
Category: Other | Made by: Mary Parulski | Award(s): (Photo ID: DC Cosplay Photo Shoots | Entry Date: 2022)

CC40-TC-07: Untitled Crown 1
Category: Not In Competition | Made by: Susan Cohen | Award(s): (Photo ID: Betsy R. Marks | Entry Date: 2022)

CC40-TC-08: Untitled Crown 2
Category: Not In Competition | Made by: Susan Cohen | Award(s): (Photo ID: Betsy R. Marks | Entry Date: 2022)

CC40-TC-09: Fiddanl Eco-Guardian Crowns of Office: Guardian and Consort
Category: Thematic | Made by: Jonatha Caspian | Award(s): Best in Category – Fantasy (Photo ID: DC Cosplay Photo Shoots | Entry Date: 2022)

CC40-TC-10: Winter at Home Tiara
Category: Other | Made by: Victoria Warren | Award(s): Best Hidden Bug Collection (Photo ID: Betsy R. Marks | Entry Date: 2022)

CC40-TC-11: Empress of Elegant
Category: Regal | Made by: Sally C. Fink | Award(s): Best in Category – Regal (Photo ID: DC Cosplay Photo Shoots | Entry Date: 2022)

CC40-TC-12: Persephone
Category: Thematic | Made by: Anastasia Holt | Award(s): Fan Favorite (Photo ID: Betsy R. Marks | Entry Date: 2022)

CC40-TC-13: Untitled
Category: Not in Competition | Made by: Susan Cohen | Award(s): (Photo ID: Betsy R. Marks | Entry Date: 2022)

CC40-TC-14: Fantasy Regency Redux
Category: Fantasy | Made by: Glynnis Vance | Award(s): Honorable Mention – Most Beautiful (Photo ID: DC Cosplay Photo Shoots | Entry Date: 2022)

CC40-TC-15: Steampunk Princess
Category: Thematic | Made by: Carol Salemi | Award(s): Best in Category – Thematic (Photo ID: DC Cosplay Photo Shoots | Entry Date: 2022)

CC40-TC-16: Queen of the Deep
Category: Fantasy | Made by: Carol Salemi | Award(s): Best in Show (Photo ID: DC Cosplay Photo Shoots | Entry Date: 2022)


Costume-Con 40 Tiara contest

To celebrate our 40th anniversary and in conjunction with our theme of Rogues, Royals, and Renegades, we [are] happy to present our tiara contest. So without further ado, here are the details:

1. For the purposes of this contest, a tiara is a headpiece that is not form fitting over the entire head, or could be perceived as a mask, helmet, or hat. For any questions regarding any potential entries please email: [Removed]

  • Designs can be worn across the brow or on top of the head. Circlets, diadems, and crowns are all considered valid designs for meeting the requirements of this contest.
  • To put in context, if you made Sauron’s crown from the Lord of the Rings movies, you could enter the crown, but not the helm or armor it is on.
  • Likewise, Loki’s helm from “Thor: Ragnarok” with it’s open design, could potentially be an entry, with maybe some changes to make it more ornamental and less armor looking. His helms from the first “Thor” movie and “Avengers” are helmets/armor, and would not be admissible.

2) Entrant must be at least a supporting member of Costume-Con 40 to participate. If entrant is not planning on attending in person, they must have an at-con attending member who will be responsible for delivering and retrieving entries before and after the contest. Costume-Con 40 assumes no responsibilities for transport, storage, or returning of entries. Costume-Con 40 will not accept any mail-in entries. Entries must be dropped off in-person at time of at con check in or registration.

3) All entries must be wearable/functional and should be able reasonable to fit a human head. Child sized entries are okay, but this should be noted on registrant’s form.

4) The main categories for entries are:

  • Regal (these would be what are considered traditional or historical style tiaras)
  • Fantasy (Not all rhinestones and bling, think Fey/woodland, Mermaids, Elemental etc…)
  • Thematic (Found objects, Steampunk, Electronics, anything that doesn’t quite fit into the other categories).
  • At contest director and judges’ discretion there may be additional awards for subcategories based on entries.

How to Enter:

1) Entry forms can be found at:

  • The contest will be limited to a total of 40 entries.
  • There will be 20 entry slots available for online pre-registration.
  • An additional 20 entry slots will be available for at con registration.

While you may enter more than one tiara, each tiara is a separate entry. You may only enter once online before the convention, and any additional entries must registered at the con, if there are slots available.

2) Online registration will open on Friday, November 12, 2021

3) At con registration will be:

  • 1pm to 5pm Friday, April 1st, 2022
  • 10am to 1pm Saturday, April 2nd, 2022
  • Or until all the slots are filled, which ever comes first. If there are any unfilled online slots, they will be added to the at con entry slots.

4) Judging will take place the morning of Sunday, April 3rd, 2022 and results will be announced and posted after the Historical Masquerade on Sunday, April 3rd, 2022.

5) Any questions or comments can be sent to: [Removed]

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