Costume-Con 40 (CC40): Single Pattern Competition Gallery and Rules

Costume-Con 40 (CC40): Single Pattern Competition Gallery and Rules

CC40-SP-01d: Steampunk Pirate (Video Entry)

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CC40-SP-01d: Steampunk Pirate (Video Entry) | Category: Simplicity 8769 | Designed By: Cathy Steen | Made by: Cathy Steen | Presented by: Cathy Steen (Photo ID: Rare Recorded Video | Event Date: 2022)

Competition Staff & Rules


NOTE: The CC38 Single Pattern entries were presented at CC40 on Friday Night along with the CC38 Future Fashion Show. Photos and awards of the entries shown at CC40 appear on the CC38 Single Pattern Competition Page.

Entries and Awards:

CC40-SF-01: Steampunk Pirate (Video Entry)
Category: Simplicity 8769 | Designed By: Cathy Steen | Made by: Cathy Steen | Presented by: Cathy Steen (Photo ID: Rare Recorded Video | Event Date: 2022)

CC40-SF-02: Trixy Space Girl (Video Entry)
Category: Threads Bog Coat | Designed By: Sylvie Laurin | Made by: Sylvie Laurin | Presented by: Sylvie Laurin (Photo ID: Rare Recorded Video | Event Date: 2022)

CC40-SF-03: The Avatar
Category: Simplicity 8769 | Designed By: Alyks Waring | Made by: Alyks Waring | Presented by: Alyks Waring (Photo ID: DC Cosplay Photo Shoots | Event Date: 2022)

CC40-SF-04: In the Head of a Bounty Hunter
Category: Threads Bog Coat | Designed By: Nannette Reily | Made by: Nannette Reily | Presented by: Nannette Reily (Photo ID: DC Cosplay Photo Shoots | Event Date: 2022)

CC40-SF-05: Coat of Many Corals
Category: Simplicity 8769 | Designed By: Lise Waring | Made by: Lise Waring | Presented by: Lise Waring | (Photo ID: Rare Recorded Video | Event Date: 2022)

CC40-SF-06: Formal Hawaiian Suit or Ka lole Hawai’i Kūhelu
Category: Simplicity 5443 | Designed By: Catherine Leeson | Made by: Catherine Leeson | Presented by: Catherine Leeson | Award(s): Best in Pattern – Simplicity Scrubs Pattern (Photo ID: DC Cosplay Photo Shoots | Event Date: 2022)

CC40-SF-07: Riding Habit
Category: Simplicity 8769 | Source: # | Designed By: Robin Armstrong | Made by: Robin Armstrong | Presented by: Robin Armstrong | Award(s): Best Adaptation of Pattern 8769 (Photo ID: DC Cosplay Photo Shoots | Event Date: 2022)

CC40-SF-08: Covid Comfy Bog Coat
Category: Threads Bog Coat | Designed By: Jonatha Caspian | Made by: Jonatha Caspian | Presented by: Jonatha Caspian (Photo ID: DC Cosplay Photo Shoots | Event Date: 2022)

CC40-SF-09: Faerie of Spring in Bloom
Category: Simplicity 8769 | Designed By: Anne Hemstock | Made by: Anne Hemstock | Presented by: Anne Hemstock (Photo ID: DC Cosplay Photo Shoots | Event Date: 2022)

CC40-SF-10: Cześć!
Category: Threads Bog Coat | Designed By: Jennifer Skwarski | Made by: Jennifer Skwarski | Presented by: Jennifer Skwarski | Award(s): Best in Pattern – Threads Bog Coat (Photo ID: DC Cosplay Photo Shoots | Event Date: 2022)

CC40-SF-11: Technology in Nature
Category: Simplicity 8769 | Designed By: Heather Whitehouse | Made by: Heather Whitehouse | Presented by: Heather Whitehouse | Award(s): Best in Pattern – Simplicity Steampunk Coat (Photo ID: DC Cosplay Photo Shoots | Event Date: 2022)

CC40-SF-12: “Well, that’s certainly a choice!”
Category: Simplicity 8769 | Designed By: Kristen Moffitt | Made by: Kristen Moffitt | Presented by: Kristen Moffitt | Award(s): Best Use of Color (Photo ID: DC Cosplay Photo Shoots | Event Date: 2022)

CC40-SF-13: Made for Comfort and Accessibility
Category: Threads Bog Coat | Designed By: Ellen Montgomery | Made by: Ellen Montgomery | Presented by: Ellen Montgomery (Photo ID: DC Cosplay Photo Shoots | Event Date: 2022)

CC40-SF-14: Astrology Faerie
Category: Simplicity 8769 | Designed By: Jamie René Schoonover Peddicord | Made by: Jamie René Schoonover Peddicord | Presented by: Jamie René Schoonover Peddicord | Award(s): Most Creative (Photo ID: DC Cosplay Photo Shoots | Event Date: 2022)

CC40-SF-15: Verrückter Wissenschaftler
Category: Simplicity 5443 | Designed By: Anastasia Holt | Made by: Anastasia Holt | Presented by: Anastasia Holt (Photo ID: DC Cosplay Photo Shoots | Event Date: 2022)

CC40-SF-16: In My Cosmic Garden
Category: Simplicity 8769 | Designed By: Jacqueline M. Ward | Made by: Jacqueline M. Ward | Presented by: Jacqueline M. Ward | Award(s): Best Quilting and Embroidery (Photo ID: DC Cosplay Photo Shoots | Event Date: 2022)

CC40-SF-17: My Boyfriend Calls it Swamp Thing
Category: Threads Bog Coat | Designed By: Cynthia Russell | Made by: Cynthia Russell | Presented by: Cynthia Russell | Award(s): “I’d buy that from Bloomingdale’s” (Photo ID: DC Cosplay Photo Shoots | Event Date: 2022)

CC40-SF-18a: Good Omens
Category: Simplicity 8769 | Designed By: Debbie Bretschneider | Made by: Debbie Bretschneider | Presented by: Debbie Bretschneider (Photo ID: DC Cosplay Photo Shoots | Event Date: 2022)

CC40-SF-18b: Heaven Must Be Missing An Angel
Category: Simplicity 8769 | Designed By: Linda Wenzelburger | Made by: Linda Wenzelburger | Presented by: Linda Wenzelburger | Award(s): Great Fabric Choice – We Thought it was Wool! (Photo ID: DC Cosplay Photo Shoots | Event Date: 2022)

CC40-SF-19: Peacock Fantasy
Category: Simplicity 8769 | Designed By: Elyzabeth Morgan | Made by: Elyzabeth Morgan | Presented by: Elyzabeth Morgan | Award(s): Best Use of Upcycled Materials (Photo ID: DC Cosplay Photo Shoots | Event Date: 2022)

CC40-SF-20: Silver Knight
Category: Simplicity 8769 | Designed By: Karen Siemens | Made by: Karen Siemens | Presented by: Karen Siemens | Award(s): Best in Show (Photo ID: DC Cosplay Photo Shoots | Event Date: 2022)

CC40-SF-21: Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Category: Simplicity 5443 | Designed By: Angel Avery-Wright | Made by: Angel Avery-Wright | Presented by: Sonny Wright (Photo ID: DC Cosplay Photo Shoots | Event Date: 2022)

CC40-SF-22: Rapunzel
Category: Simplicity 8769 | Designed By: Jada Avery | Made by: Angel Avery-Wright Jada Avery | Presented by: Jada Avery | Award(s): Best Twist on a Character (Photo ID: DC Cosplay Photo Shoots | Event Date: 2022)

CC40-SF-23: The Hawk of the West from Assassin’s Creed
Category: Simplicity 8769 | Source: Gold Rush Art by Captain Berunov | Designed By: Bethany Padrón | Made by: Bethany Padrón | Presented by: Bethany Padrón (Photo ID: DC Cosplay Photo Shoots | Event Date: 2022)

CC40-SF-24: Pink Pony Hoodie
Category: Threads Bog Coat | Designed By: Cresentia Volz | Made by: Cresentia Volz | Presented by: Cresentia Volz (Photo ID: DC Cosplay Photo Shoots | Event Date: 2022)

Photos available soon.


Costume-Con 38 & 40 Single Pattern Competition

Welcome to the Single Pattern Contest!

Entry forms are at the bottom of the page

Welcome to the Single Pattern Contest! This competition is a little different from the others. You are provided with a choice of specific patterns to play with, and then construct to change it up and make it your own. You can change the fabric, the concept, the height of neckline, hem and/or sleeves, embellishments, anything to be creative, the only caveat is that the judges must be able to visually identify which pattern(s) you began with. The patterns are a starting point: adapt it, transform it, have fun!

This year will be a little different from past years. There will be TWO Single Pattern Competitions! Yep, you read that right: We will be holding not only the competition for our own CC40 patterns, but will honor CC38 Single Patterns as well. We recognize that some people worked very hard on creating a single pattern entry for a con that sadly had to be canceled. So, in an effort to honor the work that CC38 put in to planning and the entries that were never seen, if you have already made an entry for CC38’s competition we will run a show for those patterns after the CC38 Future Fashion Show on Friday evening! It’s going to be hectic running two sets of shows in the same amount of weekend, so please bear with us.

Friday evening the Green Room will open at 6pm for both the CC38 Future Fashion Show and the Single Pattern Contest. The Single Pattern Contest will run after the Future Fashion has finished and the different judges are seated. If you are presenting in both shows, bring your Future Fashion costume and bring your Single Pattern costume with you to the Green Room at the same time!

There will be 2 sets of workmanship judges in the Green Room, if you are in the Future Fashion Show you don’t have to wear your Single Pattern entry, just show it unworn. There will be a place to hang it. You will need to do a quick change from one costume to the other, we will try our best to accommodate those presenting in both shows by finessing the run order, so it’s very important to mark that on the registration page. Draped off changing areas will be set up in the Green Room and you can bring your own assistants or our den parents will be happy to provide any help you may need.

Please, only folks who had originally planned to compete in Montreal should enter these extra shows, it is not to be an opportunity for just anyone to compete 2 outfits. We feel badly for those who did the work and didn’t get to show and are giving them a delayed opportunity.

Sunday’s CC40 shows will be held in the morning in order to allow sufficient time for the Historic Masquerade participants time to have their tech rehearsals. The Green Room will open at 9am with a 10am start time for the Future Fashion Show, we will again follow afterwards once the judges have been swapped. The same Green Room info applies from Friday night: if you are in both shows, make sure to let us know, bring both costumes with you, you may simply show your work to the Single Pattern judges. Storage, dressing areas, and any help you need will still be provided.

You must be a registered attendee of the current convention to enter or model garments in this contest.

The Single Pattern Contest will use a simple fashion-show walk-on (no skits or individual music), there is no tech-rehearsal. Entrants will meet with the judges in a separate area for workmanship judging, and then present their costume on stage while the MC reads a brief description that you will have provided on your registration form.

Covid masks must be properly worn at all times – including on stage. Let’s stay healthy!

Entrants may make and enter more than one garment, but each person may walk the stage only one time within each ‘show’.


And here are the Costume-Con 40 pattern choices!

Threads Magazine Custom Bog Coat

Link to Threads Magazine

PDF of Threads Magazine Custom Bog Coat Pattern

Simplicity 8769 Misses’ Costume Coats

Link to Simplicity Pattern 8769 page

Simplicity Pattern 5443 Women’s & Men’s Plus Size Scrubs

Link to Simplicity Pattern 5443 page

Virtual submissions will be happily accepted regardless of whether CC40 is live or entirely virtual! To submit a virtual Single Pattern entry, please arrange to video your costume in front of a plain background, do a simple walk on, slow turn and walk off out of frame. Do not bother with any sound, skit, or virtual background as that will be handled by the con and we are making everything uniform. If you wish to submit a video entry, please email regarding the necessary format to keep our tech folks happy.

If you have any questions, please email the director at [Removed]

Judy Mitchell
Single Pattern Director


If you prefer to register at the Con, here are printable forms:

Click here for printable Costume-Con 38 Single Pattern Registration

Click here for printable Costume-Con 40 Single Pattern Registration

Click here for printable Costume-Con 38/40 Single Photo/video Release Form


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