Costume-Con 40 (CC40): Future Fashion Folio Design Contest and Show Gallery and Rules

Costume-Con 40 (CC40): Future Fashion Folio Design Contest and Show Gallery and Rules

CC40-FS-11b: Forest Mother

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CC40-FS-11b: Forest Mother | Designed by: Sally C. Fink| Made by: Sally C. Fink | Presented by: Pamela Faint (Photo ID: DC Cosplay Photo Shoots | Event Date: 2022)

Competition Staff & Rules


Entries and Awards:

CC40-FS-01: Regent of Ruffles
Designed by: Jada Avery | Made by: Jada Avery | Presented by: Jada Avery (Photo ID: DC Cosplay Photo Shoots | Event Date: 2022)

CC40-FS-02: Baroness Von Buttons
Designed by: Angel Avery-Wright | Made by: Angel Avery-Wright | Presented by: Angel Avery-Wright (Photo ID: DC Cosplay Photo Shoots | Event Date: 2022)

CC40-FS-03: Cowgirl Witch
Designed by: Raven Avery | Made by: Angel Avery-Wright | Presented by: Raven Avery (Photo ID: DC Cosplay Photo Shoots | Event Date: 2022)

CC40-FS-04: Formal Uniform of the Order of Sts. Agathius and Adrian
Designed by: Pierre E. Pettinger, Jr. and Sandy Pettinger | Made by: Pierre E. Pettinger, Jr. and Sandy Pettinger | Presented by: Pierre E. Pettinger, Jr. (Photo ID: DC Cosplay Photo Shoots | Event Date: 2022)

CC40-FS-05: Lord Ribbondale
Designed by: Angel Avery-Wright | Made by: Angel Avery-Wright | Presented by: Sonny Wright | Award(s): Top Drawers (Photo ID: DC Cosplay Photo Shoots | Event Date: 2022)

CC40-FS-06: Lolita Goth Kilt
Designed by: Trixyloup Wolf | Made by: Carrie Clifton | Presented by: Carrie Clifton | Award(s): Best in Show (Photo ID: DC Cosplay Photo Shoots | Event Date: 2022)

CC40-FS-07: Quilted Dress and Vest
Designed by: Pierre E. Pettinger, Jr. and Sandy Pettinger | Made by: Karen Siemens | Presented by: Karen Siemens | Award(s): Best Adherence to Design (Photo ID: DC Cosplay Photo Shoots | Event Date: 2022)

CC40-FS-08: Queen of Wands
Designed by: Andrea Lewis | Made by: Andrea Lewis | Presented by: Andrea Lewis | Award(s): Best Fit and Finish (Photo ID: DC Cosplay Photo Shoots | Event Date: 2022)

CC40-FS-09: Bones
Designed by: Dawn McKechnie | Made by: Bethany Padrón | Presented by: Bethany Padrón (Photo ID: DC Cosplay Photo Shoots | Event Date: 2022)

CC40-FS-10: Guardian Elf
Designed by: Sally C. Fink | Made by: Sally C. Fink | Presented by: Esmeralda (Adriann White) | Award(s): Best First Impression (Photo ID: DC Cosplay Photo Shoots | Event Date: 2022)

CC40-FS-11: Forest Mother
Designed by: Sally C. Fink| Made by: Sally C. Fink | Presented by: Pamela Faint (Photo ID: DC Cosplay Photo Shoots | Event Date: 2022)

CC40-FS-12: Dame Duchess in Purple Piety: A Twist on Sumptuary Laws
Designed by: Sally C. Fink | Made by: Sally C. Fink | Presented by: Sally C. Fink Award: Folio Descriptions (Received: Gift Certificate) (Photo ID: DC Cosplay Photo Shoots | Event Date: 2022)


The Future Fashion Folio & Show

Costume-Con 40 Future Fashion Event

The Future Fashion Folio & Show is an event in three parts. The basic idea for a Future Fashion originated in 1958 and it has been a part of Costume-Con in some permutation from the beginning. As always there may be some variations to the standard format so please read all of the directions & rules.

The first part: Future Fashion Design Contest

The Design Contest is open to everyone; you do not have to have a membership to the actual convention, be affiliated with any organized costuming group or even be a costumer.

You will not have to construct the garment you design so are not restricted to existing materials or techniques, natural or physical laws. Of course wearability would certainly affect whether your design might be chosen by a potential creator for the Show – remember most of our members are human.

We would like a wide variety of designs so below you’ll find a list of possible categories. Let them be an inspiration to you, this is not a limited list but a jumping off point. We will create categories to fit what we receive not the other way around.

Children’s Wear • Teens Wear • Couples • Day Wear • Workwear • Business / Occupational Wear • Formal / Evening Wear • Court Wear • Ceremonial or Religious Wear • Wedding Wear • Accessories (shoes, jewelry, etc.) • Entertainers (singers/actors/dancers/musicians) • Leisure Wear • Festival Wear • Heavy Worlders (higher gravity/larger body types) • Hostess Wear • Pseudo-Historical • Sports Wear (including sports not yet invented) • Maternity Wear • Lingerie • Uniforms (civilian or military, every day or dress)

You may submit as many designs as you like, whenever you like, multiple times if you like. You can even start now!! But the deadline is September 15, 2021. Design submission rules are below, please read them all before submitting your designs.

The second part: Future Fashion Folio

All submitted designs will be reviewed by a judging panel who will decide what will be included in the Future Fashion Folio.

Designs that have been accepted for the Folio will be organized into a PDF file just as if it were a printed Folio. Recipients may opt to print the entire file or portions thereof if they desire. The Fashion Folio will be distributed to members and designers electronically as a PDF file. A link to the download will be emailed upon completion. Once the Folio is complete the next steps in the process go to the Future Fashion Show Director.

The Rules: (everybody has to have some)

1. All designs must be ORIGINAL IDEAS. You can draw your designs on a traced figure or have someone else draw it for you, but the design must be original. Please give credit to anyone who helps you, include the source of your inspiration. Need croquis (figures to draw on)? Try these sites:

2. We require a black & white line art copy of your design for reproduction in the Fashion Folio. Please make sure your drawings are neat and will reproduce well. You may, and we encourage you to, submit designs in color but need that B&W line art; Definition: Line art – black ink on white background; not pencil, no shading, no colors. Include sufficient room around the image so the design doesn’t run into the margins.

3. Designs must be submitted via e-mail to [Removed]

  • Submit each design in a separate e-mail – the subject line should be “CC40FF ”
  • The design and information sheet should be sent as e-mail attachments, all documents for on design (black and white illustrations, information sheet, optional color illustrations) in the same e-mail.
  • Include your name and contact information in each e-mail
  • Do not include the documents in the body of the e-mail.
  • Acceptable file format details:
    • images may be in jpg, jpeg, png, tiff formats
    • image resolution should be no less than 300 dpi and no more than 600 dpi
    • supporting documents may be in doc, docx, pdf formats
  • Enter as many designs as you wish and as often as you wish PRIOR TO THE DEADLINE OF September 15, 2021.

4. Designers: If you wish to make up one of your designs exclusively you may indicate that to us in your descriptive text. If that design is a winner you will be automatically listed as making it for the show. After the folio is published, designers will have first option on their designs. As in all CC40 stage events, you can make any number of designs, but you may appear on stage only once.

5. You do not have to be a member of Costume-Con 40 to submit designs, but you do have to be an Attending Member to make up a design and enter it in the Fashion Show. Designers of designs selected for publication will receive a copy of the Folio even if they are not members of the Convention.

6. To make you think outside of the button box we offer the following Special Categories, please let us know if your design is meant for any of these categories.

First – kind of a no-brainer…


  • Special outfits for protection, 
  • Business wear for virtual meetings, 
  • Playwear for birthday parades,
  • Athleisure for when you’re never leaving the couch again!

We know you’ve already been thinking about it so why not sketch it out and submit it?


Sponsored by the Averys and Wrights

Historically, fabric, colors, and trims have often had restrictions to certain classes, such as royalty. Only royals could wear purple.  Ermine, sable and miniver could only be worn by nobility. No one under the rank of gentleman was allowed to wear any gold or silver ornament on his clothing. Embroidery was for earls and superiors. No commoner could wear excessively broad-toed shoes. Cloth of gold was saved for dukes and marquesses. Restrictions even went so far as to state that only unmarried women could wear their hair loose. 

So, if you were a King or Queen, what restrictions would you choose to save for royalty only? How would you wear them? And why did you choose that color, fabric or trim?

By submitting your designs to Costume-Con 40 you agree to the non-profit use & publication of said designs by Costume-Con 40 prior to & during the run of the conference and to their reproduction for the Fashion Show. All rights revert back to the designer after the conference.

Contact & Mailing Information: Nora Mai
E-mail designs to: [Removed]
Other questions? Same email!


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