Costume-Con 36 (CC36): Single Pattern Competition Gallery and Rules

Costume-Con 36 (CC36): Single Pattern Competition Gallery and Rules

CC36-SP-07: Little Batty Vamp

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CC36-SP-07: Little Batty Vamp | Category: Sentinel, Cosplay by McCall’s #M2080 | Presenter(s): Trixyloup Wolf | Workmanship Award(s): Judges' Choice (Photo ID: Andrew Schmidt | Event Date: 2018)

Competition Staff & Rules


  • Single Pattern Contest Director: Margaret Hager
  • Master of Ceremonies: Unknown
  • Presentation Judge(s): Unknown
  • Judge’s Clerk: Unknown


Single Pattern Competition

The Single Pattern competition provides entrants with a small selection of commercial patterns to construct and put their own spin on the finished product.

The Single Pattern Competition will take place before the Friday Night Social party, in a simple fashion-show style format. No skits or other types of detailed presentations are required; entrants will walk in front of the judges in a separate room, show off their outfit to best advantage, and then walk out to mingle at the Friday Night Social. The time it should start is around 7:30 p.m.

The patterns listed are to be used as a starting point for creating an outfit. Participants may stay close to the original pattern, or alter it dramatically, but the final product must be recognizable as being made from one (or more) of the patterns.

Simplicity 1248 (Steampunk Victorian) | McCalls 2080 (Cosplay Sentinel) | Vogue 1472 (Vogue Misses’ Top and Skirt Pattern by Zandra Rhodes)

Participants must be a registered members of the current Costume-Con to enter or model garments in this contest. Participants may make and enter more than one garment, but an individual should plan on appearing in front of the judges only once. If they wish to combine garments into a “look”, say a dress and cape or jacket, participants can model them at the same time.

There will be 2 competition categories:

  • Adaptation – The garment can be modified with fabrics, alterations of style, fit, fabric manipulation, etc. The finished product must be recognizable as the pattern. Participants may modify, embellish, and ornament the garment in any way they choose, but it should retain its fundamental shape and form when it is compared to the pattern illustration(s).
  • Transformation – Try your hand at adapting your pattern into a completely different garment. Judging will be based on the ability to recognize the pattern pieces used – at least 75% must be incorporated.

Participants can use one or all of the chosen patterns in their creation. Note that the “Cosplay by McCalls” pattern is only available at [Removed]. The Simplicity, non-“Cosplay by” McCalls, and Vogue can be bought at Joann’s or any of the other fabric/pattern stores.

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