Costume-Con 36 (CC36): Doll Contest Gallery and Rules

Costume-Con 36 (CC36): Doll Contest Gallery and Rules

CC36-DC-03: Carmen Rails from Malaga Spain

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CC36-DC-03: Carmen Rails from Malaga Spain | Maker(s): Margarita Gajicki (Photo ID: Pierre E. Pettinger, Jr. and Sandy Pettinger | Event Date: 2018)

Competition Staff & Rules


  • Directors: Ann Catelli; Second: Nancy Hay
  • Judge(s): Unknown


Doll Costume Contest

  1.  You may submit a human or alien doll, or a costumed creature.
  2. A purchased figure, such as a Barbie doll, a BJD, or a Breyer horse, or a personally crafted figure may be entered. There will be separate judging categories for purchased figures embellished by the entrant and entrant-made figures. Entrants should clearly state which part of the figure they made. No kits for clothing or pre-printed cloth outfits are allowed.
  3. Emphasis in the judging of dolls will be placed on the costuming of the doll, including the scale and fit. Emphasis in the judging of creatures will be on the costuming or decoration of the creature. Judges will have final control over all categories and awards given.
  4. All non-perishable materials are allowed.
  5. All entrants must be supporting or attending members of Costume-Con 36.
  6. Entrants need not be present to win. Supporting members may have someone else bring their entries. Costume-Con 36 is not responsible for entries lost, delayed, misdirected, damaged, or destroyed by the delivery service of your choice.
  7. By submitting your entry, you are giving Costume-Con 36 (and its designated representatives) permission to photograph and/or videotape your entry for purposes of sale as part of post-videotaped, for personal enjoyment only, by members of Costume-Con 36.
  8. Please submit each of your entries with the following information on a piece of paper: Title of Entry, name of entrant, address, phone number and email address if any.

Special Category: “Ports of Call”

This category is for dolls dressed to represent the theme of our convention. For example, your doll could be dressed for a specific port from which your doll will journey forth, or for where will it make landfall again. Where might that be? San Diego? Shanghai? Aldeberan III?

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