Costume-Con 36 (CC36): Aloha Shirt Contest Gallery and Rules

Costume-Con 36 (CC36): Aloha Shirt Contest Gallery and Rules

CC36-AL-05: Shark Bait

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CC36-AL-05: Shark Bait | Maker(s): Lynne Taylor (Photo ID: Pierre E. Pettinger, Jr. and Sandy Pettinger | Event Date: 2018)

Competition Staff & Rules


  • Directors: Jill Eastlake
  • Judge(s): Unknown


Aloha Shirt Contest

Let’s make Hawaiian Shirts!

Beachy, fun, ugly, tropical, exotic, tried and true.  The Hawaiian Shirt Exhibit for Costume-Con 36 will bring out the best (and hopefully also the worst) in trite fashion design.

Imagine: what would you wear to the beach on a desert island, on a tropical paradise, on a cruise ship to who knows where?

Here are the rules:

  1. You do not have to be a member of Costume-Con 36 to enter. However, if you are not a member, you must arrange with a member to set up and take down your entry.
  2. There will be two categories.
    1. Practical: a Practical entry must be wearable by a human being.
    2. Artistic: an Artistic entry must not be wearable by a human being. It is intended to be a piece of art.
  3. Each entry must be recognizable as a Hawaiian Shirt. Other than that you are free to use whatever materials and techniques you wish to make your shirt and to decorate and embellish it.
  4. A panel of judges will be selected to judge the entries. They will award as many or as few awards as they deem appropriate.
  5. Entries must be in place no later than Saturday at noon. We prefer that they be placed early on Friday to give everyone as much time to see them as possible, but we understand that some cannot arrive at the con that soon.
  6. Entries must be picked up before convention close on Monday.
  7. By entering your shirt you agree that Costume-Con may photograph and video your entry and that those images may be used in promotions for future Costume-Cons. You also agree to allow their posting on Costume-Con and International Costumers’ Guild Archive sites and in productions of either. All other rights to each entry remain with the designers/creators.
  8. Any questions should be directed to the Exhibit Director:  Jill Eastlake at [Removed].

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