Costume-Con 33 (CC33): Bobby Gear Memorial Quilt Contest Entries and Rules

Costume-Con 33 (CC33): Bobby Gear Memorial Quilt Contest Entries and Rules

CC33-QC-02: Starpath

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CC33-QC-02: Starpath | Made by Lisa Ashton (Photo ID: Elaine Sims, Cattail Quilts | Event Date: 2015)

Competition Staff & Rules


  • Director: Elaine Sims
  • Judge(s): Jill Eastlake and JoAnn Abbott


Bobby Gear Memorial Quilt Contest

by Elaine Sims

I’m pleased to announce the details of the Bobby Gear Memorial Quilt Contest that will take place at Costume-Con 33. It’s not too early to start planning now!


There is no minimum size; Maximum size is twin-size, or height plus width totaling no more than approximately 160 inches. Any shape is acceptable, too, just keep these maximum dimensions in mind!

Any theme, colors, embellishments, techniques and fabrics are allowable. SF, Fantasy and costume themes are welcomed. Entries should meet the definition of a quilt: top, batting, and backing held together with stitching. Stitching may be quilting and/or embroidery, done by hand or machine. Entries in the Con theme of Buccaneers, Belles & Bootleggers are highly encouraged! (hint, hint)

Quilt patterns may be original or published patterns or whole-cloth quilts. If you are using a published pattern or are inspired by an artist, photo or sculpture, please cite the source.

The entry may be the product of a group of quilters. If a group is entering a quilt, please list the names of all contributors on the entry form.

Quilts must have a 3 inch deep hanging sleeve or tabs on the top back side in order to be hung for exhibit.

Entrants must have at least supporting CC-33 membership to to enter; but are not required to attend to enter or win.


Full-Sized Quilts: add two sides of your quilt, height and width. If it totals 80 inches or larger, enter it as a full-sized quilt. *Note: as stated above, please keep your quilt under the maximum size of 160 inches height plus width.

Small Quilts and Projects: table runners, bags, wall hangings, small lap quilts, kids quilts, etc. *Note: If enough miniature quilts (height plus width totaling less than 30 inches) are entered, a separate category will be created.

Wearable Art: vests, jackets, skirts, you name it!

Youth: if you’re under 13, this is for you! You can ask an adult for assistance, but all major construction (piecing, quilting, embellishment, finishing) must be done by you.

Getting Entries to the Con

Mail-ins are accepted and highly encouraged: even if you are attending the con, if you can to get it to me early, great!

The deadline for mail-in work is April 30, 2015. If it hasn’t been received by the end of that day, it won’t be exhibited unless you bring it with you and hand it to me at the con. If you email your registration information me by the deadline, I will have some nice signage printed listing the entry titles and creators. The shipping address is:

Southeastern Galleries

This is a commercial address, and Morgan’s name MUST appear on the shipping label.

If you will be attending, you may enter your quilt at the Con. I plan to have someone available to accept entries at the Con Registration area on Friday, they will have registration paperwork available. But please still contact me in advance, so I know to expect your entry. Please safety pin your entry form to the back of the quilt before submission. Legibility counts, please!

For your quilt, I need one specific contact person listed, with name and address. Email address is fantastic. All the contributors to each quilt must be listed. The pattern source is required; though if it isn’t completely original, please list the sources. If your design is inspired by something in particular, please note that in the Quilt Description area.

It would be greatly appreciated if entrants (or the contact person for a group entry) could contact me at so that we can have a better idea of how many entries to expect and can plan space accordingly.

Getting Entries from the Con

If you are not attending the Con and do not have someone who is able to pick up your quilt for you, I will return mailed-in quilts within about 10 days after the Con. You MUST include return postage in order to have your quilt shipped back to you. Pre-paid labels for USPS Flat Rate boxes are perfect for this!

Questions or to Reserve Space Contact me with any questions or to ask about reserving space: Elaine Sims [Removed]

Quilt Awards:

___: Karen Nyberg: Astronomical Quilt
Best Large Quilt: Lisa Ashton, Remember ___
Best Small Quilt Unbuttoned Universe, Jacqueline M. Ward
Best Wearable: 18th Century Quilted Stays, Jennifer Old-d’Entremont
Judge’s Choice for Most Unusual, Elaine Sims, Winner’s Ribbon [sp?]
Fan Favorite, Best in Show: Lisa Ashton, Peacock

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