Costume-Con 32 (CC32): Single Pattern Competition Gallery and Rules

Costume-Con 32 (CC32): Single Pattern Competition Gallery and Rules

CC32-SP-17d: Rising Twilight

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CC32-SP-17d: Rising Twilight | Category: Mermaid | Division: Journeyman | Designer(s): Jamila Sisco | Maker(s): Jamila Sisco | Presenter(s): Jamila Sisco (Photo ID: Christine Mak | Event Date: 2014)

Competition Staff & Rules


  • Single Pattern Contest Director: Lucie Fontaine
  • Master of Ceremonies: Ricky Dick
  • Presentation Judges: Bruce Mai, Nancy Savoie and Andrea Schewe.


Single Pattern Competition

The patterns below are to be used as a starting point for creating an outfit. You may stay close to the original pattern, or alter it dramatically, but the final product must be recognizable as being made from one (or more) of the patterns.

You must be a registered member of Costume-Con 32 to enter or model garments in this contest. You may make and enter more than one garment, but an individual should plan on appearing on stage only once. If you wish to combine garments into a “look”, say a dress and cape or jacket, you can model them both at the same time.

Here are some examples of previous year’s patterns and the final results, to give you an idea of how it works:

Original pattern: 1930s evening gown, and some of the results (model: Gaia Eirich):


Original pattern: Medieval fantasy gown, and some of the results (models: Gaia Eirich, Caitlin Dick):


Our patterns for CC32:

Simplicity 4043 Child, Girl and Miss Mermaid Costume


Simplicity 2513 Men’s Werewolf, Sherlock & Vampire Costume


Please note: The werewolf costume pattern has been discontinued by Simplicity, but stock is still available at many retailers and online. We have also purchased a number of copies; if you are unable to find the pattern locally, you can purchase it from us:

At the convention:

The Single Pattern Contest entries will be displayed during the Friday Night Social party, in a simple fashion-show style format. No skits or other types of detailed presentations are required; entrants will walk on, show off their outfit to best advantage, and then walk off.

For those who’ve never been to Costume-Con, or don’t have a lot of time to make a costume, but would still like to get involved, the Single Pattern Contest is the simplest place to start.

The Single Pattern competition provides entrants with a small selection of commercial patterns to construct and put their own spin on the finished product.

Please note that the finished piece doesn’t have to look just like the pattern; judges must simply be able to tell that the pattern was used as a starting point. After that you can do pretty much anything with the pattern – add elements, remove elements, go crazy!

We’ve chosen two patterns for your imaginations to play with – a mermaid costume, and a men’s/unisex werewolf/vampire/detective costume. It’s not too late to get started!

Our patterns this year are:

Simplicity 4043 Child, Girl and Miss Mermaid costume (available from and at retailers) Includes pattern for tails, top, and bag.

Simplicity 2513 Men’s Werewolf, Sherlock & Vampire Costume (discontinued, available from CC32 or some local retailers)

Includes patterns for jacket, cloaks with variations, wolf chest, paws and headpiece.
The Single Pattern Contest will take place on Friday Night in conjunction with the Friday Night “Monster Club Social”. Your creations will be showcased in a simple fashion-show style format so you can join and enjoy the party with your peers. No skits or other types of detailed presentations are required!

We are pleased to announce that the Single Pattern judges will be Costume-Con veteran Bruce Mai, our bilingual judge Nancy Savoie, and Simplicity pattern designer (and designer of pattern 2513), Andrea Schewe.

If you’d like to participate, please sign up before the con by contacting the director at: [Removed]

As part of the show we will also be exhibiting some designs by Andrea Schewe, and Andrea is looking for models to wear the costumes she’s bringing. She needs:
– Women with bust 33″ – 36″, waist 25″ – 27″, hips 36″ – 38 or 39. There is flexibility on height.
– Men who are a size 40.
– Size 4 little girl and a size 2 toddler, either sex.

If you’re interested in being a model, please contact her at [Removed].

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