Costume-Con 31 (CC31): Doll Contest Gallery and Rules

Costume-Con 31 (CC31): Doll Contest Gallery and Rules

CC31-DC-16: 1880s Lady

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CC31-DC-16: 1880s Lady | Category: Purchased Doll | Designer(s): Judy Wilson | Maker(s): Judy Wilson (Photo ID: Don Searle/FantaScenes | Event Date: 2013)

Competition Staff & Rules


  • Director: Storm Hortman
  • Judge(s): Jillian Allison, Melissa Kline, Michele Glade and Rachel Link


Doll Costume Contest

Here’s a chance to use up all those gorgeous small fabric pieces, leftover beads, bits of trim, scraps of leather and other oddments that you have kept that are looking for a bit of creativity; so let your imagination go wild!

All Entrants must be attending members of Costume-Con 31. Group efforts are welcome. Please include names of all contributors on your entry form.

Due to requests for the deadline to be closer to the event, we have moved it to May 10, 2013. Entries received after May 10th cannot be guaranteed display space. With space limitations, pre-registration is strongly encouraged!

You may submit a human or alien doll, or a costumed creature. Multiple figures may be presented as a single entry but cannot exceed a double space in size of display.

There will be separate judging categories for purchased figures dressed by the entrant, modified figures and entrant-made figures. A modified doll must have more than changed make-up and hair color. Entrants should clearly state which part(s) of the figure they made.

Emphasis will be on the costuming of the doll or creature, including the scale and fit. Judges will have final control over categories and awards given.

No clothing from kits or pre-printed cloth outfits are allowed. No commissioned costumes or modified commercial costumes. Costumes must be original work made by the entrant(s).

Only non-perishable materials are allowed. Do not use anything that will smear, drip, melt, be sticky or leave any residue.

Only battery power can be accommodated, must be easily accessible from the front of the display and can only be changed when a contest volunteer is available to help.

Please make sure that your entry is sturdy enough to be handled by several people while they judge. Although we will take the greatest care in handling and displaying entries, Costume-Con 31 cannot be responsible for entries that are lost, misdirected, damaged, or destroyed in the course of the event.

By submitting your entry, you are giving Costume-Con 31 and its designated representatives permission to photograph and/or videotape your entry for purposes of sale as part of post-convention packages. Your entries may also be photographed or videotaped, for personal enjoyment only, by members of Costume-Con 31.

Please submit a separate entry form for each of your entries. Multiple figures can be submitted as a single entry.

You may enter more than once, but please check on space availability if you have several dolls, larger dolls, or a diorama. Maximum standard entry footprint will be 15″deep x 18″wide at the widest diameter of the doll. Please note on your entry form if your entry(ies) will need more space. We will accommodate larger displays if and as we can; either 15″ x 36″ or 18″ x 30″.

Although there is no guarantee of space as entries will be given priority, doll costume works – in – progress are welcome. They won’t be judged, but it is a great way to show people what is involved in costuming dolls and creatures. Documentation is encouraged.

You can bring your dolls to the Doll Exhibit room on Friday when the room opens, but no later than 10am Saturday.

Documentation and/or details of interest can be included with your entry form or accompany your entry when you arrive. Documentation received before the event will be sent to the judges at that time.

Be specific, especially if it is an historical design or recreation of (a) particular outfit(s).

What do you want everyone to know about your doll? What was the inspiration? What is the back story? How did you do it? Perhaps you would like to point out any specific materials or techniques you feature, for example, Beading, smocking, painting, embroidery, sculpting, etc. Keep it succinct as the judges will have a lot to read; no more than 1page, single spaced, 12 pt. font or larger.

Special Contests and Awards:

  • “Forward Into the Past”
  • “Pioneer”
  • Judge’s Choice, Con-Com Staff Choice, People’s Choice

Completed Entry forms and documentation can be e-mailed to Storm.

If you have any further questions, please send an email to the Doll Contest Coordinator, Storm Hortman.

*Note- if you don’t receive a response to your question within 5 days, please resend!
“Members and Con staff (ConCom, Directors and volunteers) are encouraged to visit the Doll Costume Contest and vote for their favorites.”

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