Costume-Con 30 (CC30): Doll Contest Gallery and Rules

Costume-Con 30 (CC30): Doll Contest Gallery and Rules

CC30-DC-13b: John Carter

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CC30-DC-13b: John Carter | Category: Purchased Doll | Designer(s): Kathe Gust | Maker(s): Kathe Gust | Workmanship Award(s): Best Movie Recreation (Photo ID: Tina Connell | Event Date: 2012)

Competition Staff & Rules


  • Director: Caitlin Dick
  • Judge(s): Unknown


Costume-Con 30 Doll Show & Contest

For more information:

Caitlin Dick – Doll Contest Director

Email: [Removed]

Here’s your chance to use those smaller pieces of fabric, and try your hand at costuming on a different scale.

  • You must supply your own doll and it can be a human or alien doll, or a costumed creature. Store-bought (Barbie, American Girl, Monster High, etc) dolls are fine, as are thrift shop recycles, and even self-made dolls.
  • There will be separate judging categories for purchased figures embellished by the entrant, and entrant-made figures. Entrants should clearly state which part of the figure they made. No kits for clothing or pre-printed cloth outfits are allowed.
  • Emphasis in the judging of dolls will be placed on the costuming of the doll or creature, including the scale and fit.
  • Judges will have final control over all categories and awards given.
  • Entrants must have at least a supporting membership to CC30 to enter this contest; but are not required to attend the convention to win.

So give this a try, it’s a great chance to let your imagination run wild without some of the barriers we all face doing things full size.

Please let us know that you are entering if you can. This is not mandatory, but helps us determine placement, and how much space we need. If you are planning a diorama, or set pieces for your doll, you MUST LET US KNOW at least 30 days out, so we can ensure there’s room. We will just need to know the over all footprint of the display. 18″ square is the maximum permitted.

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