Costume-Con 29 (CC29): Science Fiction & Fantasy Masquerade Gallery and Rules

Costume-Con 29 (CC29): Science Fiction & Fantasy Masquerade Gallery and Rules

CC29-SF-02: Mai Kannazuki

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CC29-SF-02: Mai Kannazuki | Division: Master | Category: Recreation | Designer(s): Alicia Lugo | Maker(s): Alicia Lugo | Presenter(s): Alicia Lugo (Photo ID: Ken Warren 20110430-2684 | Event Date: 2011)

Competition Staff & Rules


  • Directors: Pierre E. Pettinger, Jr. and Sandy Pettinger
  • Master of Ceremonies: Gordon Rose
  • Presentation Judges: Steve Swope, Eric Brine and Laura Kovalcin
  • Workmanship Judge(s): Judy Mitchell
  • Judges’ Clerk: Jennifer Old
  • Assistant and Clerk: Jonatha Caspian


Fantasy and Science Fiction Masquerade

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Pierre E. Pettinger, Jr. and Sandy Pettinger, SciFi/Fantasy Masquerade Directors

  1. The Fantasy and Science Fiction Masquerade will be held at 8:00 PM on Saturday, April 30, 2011
  2. Entries must register by 6:00PM on Friday, April 29, 2011. You may pre-register. A form will soon be available on the CC29 website. Even if you pre-register, you must check in at the Masquerade Desk by the above deadline. If you cannot check in by the deadline, you must contact me.
  3. The Masquerade will adhere to the ICG Guidelines: Ensuring Fair Competition.
  4. Entries in the Fantasy and Science Fiction Masquerade must have a Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror, Science, or similar theme. If your costume is purely historical, please consider the Historical Masquerade.
  5. Costumes will compete in three categories:
    1. Original: Costumes in this category are based on an original concept.
    2. Interpretation: costumes in this category are based on a purely written or oral description.
    3. Recreation: Costumes in this category are reproductions of costumes from a visual medium such as a movie, TV show, comic, art, or other medium.
  6. To insure fair competition, entries will compete in one of the following divisions:
    1. Junior: This division is for contestants 12 years old or younger.
    2. Novice: This division is for beginning costumers. To qualify for this division you must have:
      1. Won fewer than 3 awards in the Novice division at Costume-Cons, Worldcons, or Anime North.
      2. Not won any award in the Journeyman or Master division at costume-Cons, Worldcons, or Anime North.
      3. Not have a Costume Laurel in the Society for Creative Anachronism.
      4. Not be a professional costumer, tailor or seamstress/seamster. Professional shall be definated as earning half or more of your personal annual income in one of these professions.
    3. Journeyman: This division is for intermediate costumers. To qualify for this division you must have:
      1. Won fewer than 3 awards in the Journeyman division at Costumes-Cons, Worldcons, or Anime North.
      2. Have not won any award in the Master division at costumes-Cons, Worldcons, or Anime North.
      3. Not have a Costume Laurel in the Society for Creative Anachronism.
      4. Not be a professional costumer, tailor or seamstress/seamster. Professional shall be definated as earning half or more of your personal annual income in one of these professions.
    4. Master: This division is an open division. Anyone may compete in the Master Division.
  7. Documentation: All Recreation entries must supply documentation for the judges. Original entries my supply documentation if they wish. Documentation must be in printed form. We cannot accept CDs, DVDs, flash drives, or any other medium. Documentation is due by 6:00PM on Friday, April 29th.

    Documentation should include the following:

    1. Title of costume
    2. Names and addresses of entrants. (An address is necessary only from the primary contact for the entry.)
    3. Image of the costume being recreated. (Original entries do not need such as image. Though other images, such as inspirational sources, etc. are recommended.)
    4. Description and summary of your sources and work.
  8. Costumes will be judged in Presentation and in Workmanship.
    1. Presentation and Workmanship are equal, but separate competitions.
    2. Workmanship is optional. you are not required to enter the workmanship competition.
    3. You do not have to enter your entire costume in Workmanship. You may enter as little or as much of your costume as you like.
    4. If you have documentation for your entry, you should include a separate copy for the Workmanship judges.
  9. All entrants must sign the release form included in the entry form. Refusal to sign will result in disqualification and the entrant will not be allowed on the stage.
  10. All entrants must have official photos taken. Refusal is grounds for disqualification.
  11. No Nudity. This is a PG-13 show.
  12. No live animals will be allowed on stage. Service animals are exempted from this rule.
  13. Any electrical effected must be self-powered. No electrical cords will be allowed.
  14. There will not be a microphone available for contestants. No exceptions. If you have narration you must either include it on your music CD or have the MC read it.
  15. Music must be in an electronic format: CD, thumb drive (absolutely NO MP3, AFF, or IPods).
  16. An individual may appear only once in the F/SF Masquerade. You may enter as many entries as you like, but they must be presented by different individuals.
  17. No purchased or rented costumes may compete.
  18. Costumes which have won awards in previous Costume-Cons may not compete. Costumes which have won awards at either Worldcon or Anime North may compete, though in a division equal or higher than the earlier competition.
  19. No flame, pyrotechnics or messy substances will be allowed (the peanut butter and jelly rule).
  20. Drawn weapons must be authorized by the Masquerade Directors or their appointed Weapons Master. Bows, crossbows, and similar weapons may be used, but may not be fired or have a projectile in a cocked or ready position.
  21. Entrants must report to the Green Room as determined by the Green Room Director. This time will be posted at the Masquerade table.
  22. Your costume must be complete when you report to the Green Room. Final assembly is allowed, but actual construction is not. The Green Room is not the place to create your costume.
  23. All entrants must attend a Technical rehearsal. Appointments for technical rehearsals will be available as the Masquerade table.
  24. Default lighting will be stage dark, rising to full light when entry is announced, fading to dark on exit.
  25. Default music will start after entry is announced, fading out as entrant exits.
  26. Surprise the audience, but not the Masquerade Directors, the Technical crew, the Green Room crew or the Stage crew.
  27. If you think these rules do not apply to you, you are wrong. Exceptions are possible, but only by contacting the Masquerade Directors. No exceptions will be made after Noon on Saturday, April 30th. You must contact us before then.

If you have any further questions, please send an email to the SciFi/Fantasy Directors, Pierre E. Pettinger, Jr. and Sandy Pettinger.

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