Costume-Con 28 (CC28): Future Fashion Folio Design Contest and Show Gallery and Rules

Costume-Con 28 (CC28): Future Fashion Folio Design Contest and Show Gallery and Rules

CC28-FS-07a: Airship Captain Dresses

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CC28-FS-07a: Airship Captain Dresses | Category: Future Fashion | Designer(s): Jennifer Koposhka | Maker(s): Karen Siemens and Karen Schnaubelt | Presenter(s): Karen Siemens and Karen Schnaubelt | Workmanship Award(s): Judge's Choice and Best in Show (Photo ID: Richard Man | Event Date: 2010)

Competition Staff & Rules


  • Future Fashion Folio and Show Director: Karen Bergquist
  • Master of Ceremonies: Ricky Dick
  • Presentation Judges: Unknown


Future Fashion Folio and Show

The Folio is a collection of designs made by anyone. The show is the presentation of these designs made real, either by the designer or another attendee, which can be quite a challenge. The Future Fashion Folio is now available via email or snail mail for registered members of the convention. If you have not heard from the convention regarding which method you would prefer, please contact us as soon as possible.

This year’s Future Fashion Show will be slightly different. In a departure from past folio shows, CC28 is only taking design reservations from creators. Creators have been asked to reserve their design if they wish to be the sole participant in the show with that design. All other designs, and those creators that chose to make their own design but not to reserve their designs solely for their own creation, are fair game for anyone attending. Yes, we may end up with all participants in the design on page 480, but that’s part of the fun! For more information, please contact the Future Fashion Show director.

Future Fashion Folio

Disclaimer: Many of our rules are typical & the same as have been used every year for Costume-Con. Please be sure to read the rules thoroughly though, as there are a few changes, and some of the rules may be new to you even if you’ve participated in past Folios. A thank-you to the prior FF crews whose hard work we are shamelessly building on.

Important Deadline:

Designs must be postmarked by September 30, 2009. Designs received after the deadline will be forwarded to the Costume-Con 29 Future Fashion Folio competition unless you specifically request this not be done.

Future Fashion Folio Guidelines:

1. All designs must be original ideas. You can draw your designs on a traced figure or have someone else draw it for you, but the design must be original. Please give credit to anyone who helps you. Need croquis (figures to draw on)? Try these sites: alleycatscratch or taunton.

2. Designs may be submitted three ways:

  • Hard copy (aka: the old-fashioned way, on paper): all designs must be on white 8.5″ x 11″ (or A4) paper, photocopied, high resolution computer prints, black & white line art. Do not send original artwork as it cannot be returned.
  • On CD: You may scan your designs at home & put the files on a disk. You may use any image format you desire, scanned at no less than 300 dpi & no more than 600 dpi. Use the same definition of line art as for hard copies.
  • By e-mail: you may send your designs as attachments to an e-mail. One design (with text file) per e-mail, JPEGs only between 300 & 600 dpi. Again use our standard definition of line art.

3. Do not send us original artwork. All designs should be photocopies or some graphic format.

4. You may, and we encourage you to, submit designs in color. But we require a black & white line art copy of your design for reproduction in the Fashion Folio. Please make sure your drawings are neat and will reproduce well. This includes electronic format drawings. If you do send us color versions do not use anything that requires spray fixative or that may smear, smudge, stick or flake off on other people’s drawings.

5. Labeling & text file requirements

  • Your name and address must be marked clearly on the back of each and every design sheet submitted; include the design’s name if it has one. Designs usually have descriptions which should include any appropriate information to help a maker construct the design; please put each description on a separate sheet, also labeled on the back.
  • If you submit your design on a CD please include the descriptions in .txt format with your name and address as well as the name and description of your design; again one file per description not all in one. Also write your name on the CD in permanent ink.
  • If you submit your design by e-mail please include the description in .txt format with your name and address as well as the name and description of your design. Remember – one design with description per e-mail.
  • In all cases, your e-mail address & phone number are helpful.

6. Naming Conventions for the Designs: Number entries consecutively on the back in the upper right hand corner. Example: if you submit 4 designs, they should be numbered as follows: “#1 of 4”, “#2 of 4” etc. Color versions should be numbered “Color #1 of 4”, etc. If you are submitting on CD each drawing file should be named “1 of 4 name of design.jpg”, “2 of 4 name of design.jpg” and so forth. The text files for each design should be named “1 of 4 name of design text. Use the same method on e-mails — But Remember !- one design with description per e-mail.

7. Enter as many designs as you wish and as often as you wish prior to the deadline of September 30, 2009.

8. Identify the source of your inspiration (if any) on the back or in the text portion of your design.

9. Special Categories: In each of the usual categories, we will be giving special attention to designs for “spywear.” What kind of formal wear might a spy be seen in? What, exactly, would spy workwear consist of? And we can’t wait to see what kind of pajamas you guys come up with!

10. By submitting your designs to Costume-Con 28 you agree to the non-profit use & publication of said designs by Costume-Con 28 prior to & during the run of the conference and to their reproduction for the Fashion Show. All rights revert back to the designer after the conference.

11. Designers: If you wish to make up one of your designs you may indicate that to us in your descriptive text. If that design is a winner you will be automatically listed as making it for the show. After the folio is published, designers will have first option on their designs. As in all CC28 stage events, you can make any number of designs, but you may appear on stage only once. For a select few designs, we may ask the designers to allow more than one version to be made up to appear on stage.

12. You do not have to be a member of Costume-Con 28 to submit designs, but you do have to be an attending member to make up a design and enter it in the Fashion Show. Designers of designs selected for publication will receive a copy of the Folio even if they are not members of the Convention.

Contact & Mailing Information:

Please snail-mail designs to:
Costume-Con 28
Attn: Future Fashion Folio
E-mail designs to: [Removed]
Other questions? Contact Karen Bergquist at [Removed]

Line Art Definition

black ink on white background; not pencil, no shading, no colors. Include sufficient room around the image so the design doesn’t run into the margins. See item #5 above for labeling & text file requirements & item #6 above for naming conventions.

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