Costume-Con 27 (CC27): Single Pattern Competition Gallery and Rules

Costume-Con 27 (CC27): Single Pattern Competition Gallery and Rules

CC27-SP-17c: Drape Me Lacey

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CC27-SP-17c: Drape Me Lacey | Category: Single Pattern | Designer(s): McCalls 4997 | Maker(s): Sally Fink | Presenter(s): Sally Fink | Workmanship Award(s): Paragonship (Photo ID: Steward Hartman CCN2009_04_017_015.JPG | Event Date: 2009)

Competition Staff & Rules


  • Director: Ann Hamilton and Ric Rader
  • Master of Ceremonies: D. Jeannette Holloman*
  • Judge(s): Rob Himmelsbach and Judy Mitchell


This year at Costume Con we have TWO wonderful Pattern Contests for you to participate in !

Simplicity Pattern Contest

Simplicity is sponsoring a contest for the best use of a Simplicity pattern in any of the competitions; Fantasy & Science-Fiction Masquerade, Future Fashion Show, or Historic Masquerade. First Prize will be $250.00, Second Prize will be an assortment of Simplicity Patterns, and Third Prize will be a Side Winder (bobbin winder). Simplicity sponsored a similar contest for Costume Con 3, and the first prize went to Adrian Butterfield* who adapted a Simplicity coat pattern for her SS Officer’s greatcoat in the Historic competition.

The rules are quite simple (pun intended.) You must start with a Simplicity pattern. It can be of any age, it does not have to be from their current catalog. You must bring a copy of the front of the pattern envelope clearly showing the Simplicity pattern number. The garment must be part of a costume entered in one of the three contests listed above, but it does not have to be the major feature of the costume. While documentation is not required, the judges would probably appreciate a brief written description as to what you did. (This can be turned in at the convention.) You will have to fill out an entry form for this contest, either on-line or at the convention. You must agree to allow Simplicity to use pictures of the costume and your name for promotional purposes should they choose to do so.

This prize is unrelated to any of the other prizes in the contests, but because it can apply to a costume entered in any of the three contests, the winner will be announced with the winners of the Historic Masquerade on Sunday night.

Single Pattern Contest

Yep, it is time once again for my favorite part of any Costume Con, the single pattern contest. Woo-hoo!

This year we have two beauties that lend themselves both to innovative reconstructions and creative fabric embellishments -historic or fantasy. Take the pattern and make it into anything you can dream up.

Personally I’m making an evening gown for myself and trying a new dying technique I learned from my husband’s duster and shirt pattern. You can check out my progress on my Livejournal (, or our MySpace page at,

Hey novice sewers, this is the perfect opportunity to get your feet wet with constructing a costume! these are easy and forgiving patterns to sew. Aw Heck, glue the thing together if you want. We love it all!

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at

If you would also be so kind to let me know if you plan on entering, it would be greatly appriciated. Thanks!

Now go wild and have fun!!

Cheers, Ann Hamilton.

Pattern information:

McCalls 4997

Butterick 3830

Single Pattern Show Update

Hi All,

Well it is almost time for the Single Pattern Contest!!

Start time will be at 8:30 pm on Friday, May 1 in the Dulaney Room. NOT at the party which starts after the contest.

ALSO, if you are competing I’d like to see you in the Green Room between 6:30 and 7:00 pm for a prejudging chat with the judges so you can tell them about your great work and creative ideas. (Green Room will be one of the panel rooms with sign on door. It hasn’t been assigned yet.)

Format is simple fashion show. But if you’ve put together a small presentation, that’s OK too. However we won’t have individual sound over like the SciFi or Historic contest has.

I’m so excited to see everybody’s stuff!!

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.

Cheers, Ann 

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