Costume-Con 27 (CC27): Science Fiction & Fantasy Masquerade Gallery and Rules

Costume-Con 27 (CC27): Science Fiction & Fantasy Masquerade Gallery and Rules

CC27-SF-43j: Costume Con 1889: Entry 9 - The Snow Queen

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CC27-SF-43j: Costume Con 1889: Entry 9 - The Snow Queen | Division: Master | Designer(s): Don Sakers‡ | Maker(s): Don Sakers‡ | Presenter(s): Don Sakers‡ | Workmanship Award(s): Best in Show - Diverse Overkill | Presentation Award(s): Best Concept (Photo ID: Ken Warren | Event Date: 2009)

Competition Staff & Rules


  • Director: C. Sue Shambaugh
  • Master of Ceremonies: Marty Gear‡
  • Presentation Judges: Bruce Mai, Andrea Schewe and Maral Agnerian
  • Workmanship Judge(s): Denice Girardeau and Angelique Trouvere


Fantasy & Science Fiction Masquerade Rules

I. Competition Categories

All costumes entered must be either Original or Recreation.

Original costumes are designed by the contestant, although they may be inspired by a fantasy, science fiction, or other source.

Recreation costumes are those whose design is copied from a media or other source, be it TV, film, art, illustration, comics, theatre. They may also be recreated from a print description. Documentation of the original source, showing at least one good view of the costume, or a print/prose description by the designer/author, must be provided for judging. (Bring paper copies only, no books or other media.)

II. Skill Divisions

This masquerade will use the following skill division system:

Young Fan: Any contestant aged 13 or younger who made their own costume, who is not part of an adult group. All entries in a Young Fan group entry must be 13 or younger.

Novice: Any contestant who has not won more than two major awards, or Best in Division, or Best in Show, in the Novice Division in international competition. Any Young Fan contestant may elect to “compete up” and enter the Novice Division.

Journeyman: Any contestant who has not won more than three major awards, or Best in Division, or Best in Show, in the Journeyman Division in international competition. Any Young Fan or Novice contestant may elect to “compete up” and enter in the Journeyman Division.

Master: Any contestant who has competed and won in the Master Division in an international competition. Professional costumers must enter in the Master Division. Any contestant may elect to “compete up” and enter in the Master Division.

Group entries must enter in the skill division that their most experienced member sorts into.

Young Fans wearing adult-made costumes must enter in the adult’s skill division.

III. Rules

These are the things you MUST pay attention to, as violating one of the rules can and will make you ineligible for awards.

Remember, when in doubt, ask me! Don′t guess. I’d rather answer questions now, because it sure beats tears and recriminations later.

  1. All contestants must be registered attending members of CC-27. This includes both designers and models.
  2. No purchased or rented costumes may be entered in this competition.
  3. A costume may not be entered in this competition if it has won a “Best in Show” at an ICG-recognized international competition. A previous “Best in Division” winning costume may be entered only if it can be entered one skill division level higher than its previous win.
  4. This competition is rated PG-13, so no nudity, please. “No costume is no costume” still applies.
  5. No contestant may appear on stage more than once. Costumers may enter more than one costume, but each must appear on a different model. No “cameos” allowed, either.
  6. Each entry will have no more than 60 seconds on stage. You may certainly use less time, but no more than that without prior approval.
  7. No fire or open flame will be allowed on stage.
  8. The “no peanut butter” rule applies: No messy substances – wet, dry, sparkly, or oily – that might ruin another costume are allowed on stage or in the Green Room.
  9. No smoking in any Masquerade area.
  10. No weapons will be allowed on stage that might endanger anybody. Entrants may not display weapons without prior approval by the Masq Director FIRST. Weapons display may be approved after proof of safe display at rehearsal.
  11. No special effects (flash bulbs, strobes, sparklers, etc.) will be allowed on stage that might endanger anybody. Special effects may be approved after safe display at rehearsal, provided they are legal. In no case will a special effect be approved that leaves a mess on the stage.
  12. No flash photography will be allowed during the competition. Please pose for your friends on stage after the contest, or for our photographer while you are not on stage! Those caught taking flash pictures during the contest will taken out back, killed, spiced with Old Bay, and eaten. Seriously.
  13. Hall costumes worn around the convention before the masquerade are ineligible to enter this competition.
  14. Since there will be no live or pickup mikes on stage, you should pre-record your dialogue (if any) and background music. You may also submit text for the MC to read before, during, or after your entry. All of this background content may be vetted before approval to ensure we stick to our PG-13 rating.
  15. Rehearsal is required. Sign up for a rehearsal slot on site at the convention before rehearsals are scheduled to start.
  16. Entry numbers will be given out in the Green Room. You must be in line and ready to go on stage when your entry number is called. If you miss your call, your entry may be dropped.
  17. Entries must be able to go on and off stage with only minimal help from stage ninjas and within a reasonable amount of time.
  18. The Masquerade Director requires real names to be supplied on entry forms. These real names must match the ones you used to register for the convention. State-issued picture IDs may be checked at random. Remember, you can always ask the MC to announce nicknames.
  19. No exceptions will be made to these rules without advance approval by the Masquerade Director.
  20. Do NOT surprise the Masquerade Director or crew! Let us in on what you have planned, and trust us to keep the surprise from the audience until you’re ready to unveil it.

IV. Other Stuff and Pointers
Sound: We plan on accepting both CDs and MP3s. If you use CDs, be sure that they are CD-R type, that your dialogue/music is recorded on track #1, and that it is the ONLY track on the CD. When in doubt, bring extras, including extra blank media.
Lights: No details yet. Do not plan on anything more complicated than color washes, fade in/outs, and spotlights.
Power: Don’t plan on having access to power cords/plugs on stage.
Stage access: Plan on using stairs with non-removable handrails to enter/exit the stage. Do NOT plan on using a ramp, as one will probably not be available.

V. Workmanship Judging
Workmanship judging is strictly optional, but encouraged. Your entire costume need not be judged; you can (and many do!) submit just one part of it for judging. For example, you may present just one prop, or a headdress, or all the beading.
If you think you may want workmanship judging, please check the YES box on your entry form. If you’re sure you won’t, please check NO. This will help us schedule our judges’ time better, to ensure everybody’s work gets a fair viewing.

VI. Entry Forms
This year, we’re providing online pre-reg via our website! The exact same online entry form will be available at-con for on site registration.  (Webmaster: the link will be posted when the system is finalized.)

Entrants and Awards

SF Masquerade Run List
Here’s the run-list for the SF Masq, I’m still looking for the winners list – when I find it, I’ll post it!

Here we go… With hopefully a correct list of names, given the cast of
zillions. :>

1 – Butterfly Fairy – Parker Delaney
2 – The Young Lions – Margaret E Thomas, Anna Simone Thomas
3 – The Starks of Winterfell – Catherine A Thomas, Thomas J Thomas, Tommy E Thomas
4 – Turnabout – Betsy Marks (with John Montrie — not in Competition)
5 – The Bringer of Nightmares – Nancy Handwork
7 – Jo Grant – Mary Alice Ladd
8 – Madame du Pompadour – Aurora Celeste
9 – Blood Bride – Kelli Lynch
10 – Spring Beauty – Stephanie Brown
12 – Moo’s on First – Sandy Swank‡
13 – Not Quite Godzilla – Eric Brine
14 – The Evil Sorceress Belladonna Bellatrix – Katrina Andrews
15 – Gift of Magic – Elizabeth O’Malley
16 – Evil Cuteness – Trixyloup Wolf
17 – Lady Trianna – Michele Taylor
18 – Timeless – Lisa Ashton, Sandy Pettinger and Pierre Pettinger, Karen Dick, Dawn McKechnie, Alanna Whitestar
19 – The Bat Faery – Anne Davenport
20 – Capt Pip Bernadette – Jonathan Gross
21 – Petshop of Horrors: A Royal Visit – Elizabeth Fong
22 – Destination Libation – Gail Wolfenden-Stein, Nola Yergen-Jennings, Jeff Jennings, Jeannine Swick, Jean Palmer
23 – Queen of the Moon Women – Fenella Saunders
24 – Abel Nightroad – Benjaman Bryan
25 – Crystalline Monarch – Rae Bradbury-Enslin
26 – Peach Blossom – Ann Boggs
27 – Edna Mode – Helen St John
28 – Lilith Saul – Bethany Padron
29 – Genetic Repo Man – Deech Mestel, Morgan Hatfield, Dave Kanoy, Michael Bruno
30 – Sgt Pepper – Lynn Duffield
31 – At Costume Con No One Can Hear You Scream – J F Bibeau
32 – Turned – Jacqueline Ward
33 – Catching Fireflies – Nora Mai
34 – The Bishop of Holy Harmonia – Stacey Feldmann
35 – Wanna-be Charming – Rosanna Caponi
36 – Santa the Gray – Bruce and Dana MacDermott‡
37 – The Keeper of Arilinn Tower – Elizabeth Ernst
38 – Things They Don’t Tell You in Library School – Catherine Leeson
39 – Lolita – Alexandria Ellsworth
40 – Lost in Translation – Anne-Marie Morin Bérard, Lucie Fontaine, Josianne Morel, Jean-Luc Laroses
41 – Ode to a Villain – Jamila Sisco
42 – The Fairy Godmother – Rachel Wyman
43 – Costume-Con 1889 part 1
44 – Costume-Con 1889 part 2
45 – Costume-Con 1889 part 3 – Judy Mitchell, Renfield, Marvin Bryant, Ron
Robinson, Jeannette Holloman‡, Deborah Sears‡, Ric Rader, Ann Hamilton, Sharon
Landrum, Faith Baker, Lisa Adler Golden, Maura Scharadin‡, Thomas Atkinson, June
Swords, Erik Bray, Marianne Pease, Don Sakers‡

SF/F Winners List

Got the Winnners list (thanks, C.Sue)! So here are the winners of that masquerade:
Costume-Con 27 Fantasy and Science Fiction Masquerade Awards

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Presentation Awards:

Presentation – Young Fan
Prettiest: Parker Delaney- Butterfly Fairy

Cutest Couple: Margaret E Thomas & Anna Simone Thomas – The Young Lions

Presentation – Novice

Larger-than-Life Award: Eric Brine -Not Quite Godzilla

Most Elegant: Katrina Andrews -The Evil Sorceress Belladonna Bellatrix

Best Attention to Detail: Trixyloup Wolf – Evil Cuteness

Best Recreation: Benjaman Bryan- Abel Nightroad

Judge’s Choice – Andrea Schewe: Helen St John – Edna Mode

Best in Class: Lynn Duffield- Sgt Pepper

Presentation – Journeyman

Honorable Mention: Elizabeth Fong- Petshop of Horrors: A Royal Visit

The Kick-Ass Award: Stephanie Brown – Spring Beauty

Out-of-this-World Award: Fenella Saunders – Queen of the Moon Women

Chutzpah Award: Rachel Wyman – The Fairy Godmother

Best Punch Line: Stacey Feldmann – The Bishop of Holy Harmonia

Best in Class: Bethany Padron – Lilith Saul

Presentation – Master

Honorable Mention: Aurora Celeste – Madame du Pompadour

Honorable Mention: J F Bibeau – At Costume Con No One Can Hear You Scream

The Family That Costumes Together…: Catherine A Thomas, Thomas J Thomas, Tommy E Thomas – The Starks of Winterfell

The Whimsy Award: Bruce MacDermott and Dana MacDermott‡ – Santa the Gray

Most Beautiful: Rae Bradybury-Enslin – Crystalline Monarch

Best Concept: – Renfield, Marvin Bryant, Ron Robinson, Jeannette Holloman‡, Deborah Sears‡, Ric Rader, Ann Hamilton, Sharon Landrum, Faith Baker, Lisa Adler Golden, Maura Scharadin‡, Thomas Atkinson, June Swords, Erik Bray, Marianne Pease, and Don Sakers‡ – Costume-Con 1889 (Steampunk Style)

Best in Class: Nora Mai -Catching Fireflies

Best in Show Presentation: Gail Wolfenden-Steib, Nola Yergen-Jennings, Jeff Jennings, Jeanine Swick & Jean Palmer – Destination Libation

Tech’s Choice Award: Jeannine Swick – Destination Libation – Balloon Fun

Workmanship Awards:

Workmanship – Novice

Most Magnetic: Benjaman Bryan – Abel Nightroad

Best Bats: Kelli Lynch – Blood Bride

Best Beginning: Katrina Andrews – The Evil Sorceress Belladonna Bellatrix

Best in Class: Eric Brine – Not Quite Godzilla

Workmanship – Journeyman

Best Documentation: Stephanie Brown – Spring Beauty

Best Bird: Elizabeth Fong – Petshop of Horrors: A Royal Visit

Best Fabric Painting: Elizabeth O’Malley – Gift of Magic

Best Extrapolation from a Single Source: Stacey Feldmann – The Bishop of Holy Harmonia

Best Helmet Work: Deech Mestel – Genetic Repo Man

Best Fabric Decoration: Rosanna Caponi – Wanna-be Charming

Best Critters: Lucie Fontaine – Lost in Translation

Best in Class: Bethany Padron – Lilith Saul

Workmanship – Master

Best Adaptation of Medieval/Historical: Catherine A Thomas – The Young Lions & The Starks of Winterfell

Best Re-Recycling: Betsy Marks – Butterfly Fairy

Kitchen Sink Award: Rae Bradbury-Enslin – Crystalline Monarch

Best Learning Experience: J F Bibeau – At Costume Con No One Can Hear You Scream

Best Quilting: Jacqueline Ward – Turned

Best Mask: Nora Mai – Catching Fireflies

The 3M Award (Most Modified Master): Bruce MacDermott and Dana MacDermott‡ – Santa the Gray

Beat Beading and Embroidery: Catherine Leeson – Things They Don’t Tell You in Library School

Snuggie-to-Sequins Award: Rachel Wyman – The Fairy Godmother

Best in Show – Diverse Overkill: Judy Mitchell, Ron Robinson, Jeannette Holloman‡, Deborah Sears, Ann Hamilton, Sharon Landrum, Faith Baker, Kathy Bryant, Maura Scharadin, Thomas Atkinson, June Swords, Erik Bray, Marianne Pease, Lisa Adler-Golden, and Mary Denise Smith – Costume-Con 1889 (Steampunk Style)

Best in Show – Steampunk: Gail Wolfenden-Steib, Nola Yergen-Jennings, Jeff Jennings, Jean Palmer & Jeanine Swick – Destination Libation

Best in Show – Overall: Lisa Ashton, Pierre Pettinger, Sandy Pettinger – Timeless

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