Costume-Con 27 (CC27): Doll Contest Gallery and Rules

Costume-Con 27 (CC27): Doll Contest Gallery and Rules

CC27-DC-11e: Not Finished Yet

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CC27-DC-11e: Not Finished Yet | Category: Self-Made Doll | Maker(s): Kathe Barrows* (Photo ID: Steward Hartman | Event Date: 2009)

Competition Staff & Rules


  • Director: Caitlin Dick
  • Judge(s): Kevin Roche, Dawn McKechnie, and Kari Handa (with unofficial help from 4 year old Katelyn Handa)



Here is your opportunity to make that dream costume without needing the rest of your life to finish it!

Enter the Doll Competition!

The Doll Competition is open to every attending member of CC27.

Whatever people want to create is great, and we enthusiastically anticipate the arrival of your creations!

There are no fixed special categories other than the “Chairman’s Choice for Best Theme Related Doll” Much like the Masquerade, the Awards will be given by the Doll Competition Judges in the spirit of “Excellence Deserves Recognition”.

Examples of the types of categories which may be considered are, (but not limited to): Original doll, Re-dressed doll, Altered doll, Miniature, Diorama, Historical, Horror, Fantasy, Humor, Re-creation, Anime, Vampire, Villain, Vixen dolls, and so on.

Entrants are encouraged to print out some background information on their piece and to include documentation if called for (historical & re-creations especially.)

Examples of things you may want to include are: What do you want the judges to know about your doll? What was the inspiration? What is the back story? How did you do it? Perhaps you would like to point out any specific materials or techniques you feature, for example, Beading, smocking, painting, embroidery, sculpting, etc.


1. You may use either purchased or self-made figures to dress. They may be human, humanoid, animal or alien; they may be any reasonable doll size or miniatures.

2. The costuming must be original work, and it is the costume that will be the focus of the judging.

3. Entries will be grouped by type of figure and subject matter: Historical, Fantasy, Miniature, Humor and others, depending on what is entered.

4. There is no rule 4.

5. Please indicate if the entrant is an Adult, or Young Fan (15 years of age or younger)

6. You must be an attending member of CC27 to enter.

7. You may enter more than once, but please check on space availability if you have several dolls, larger dolls, or a diorama.

8. Drop off dolls in the Doll/Exhibit room on Friday between 10am – 4pm. Or Saturday no later than 12 noon by arrangement. Contact us before the convention for Saturday drop off.

9. If you need to make arrangements to mail your doll ahead, please contact Lisa Ashton.

Download the Doll Contest Entry Form: Doll Contest Entry Form

You can also ask questions and let us know if you have any special display needs by CONTACTING US !

Thank you! Your Doll Contest Coordinator ~ Caitlin Dick

Winners List – Doll Contest

Gee, it came to my attention that some folks didn’t get to hear who won what in the various competitions! So… I’ll post the winners lists here (copied from the ICG-D list) –Judy Mitchell

CC-27 Doll Contest Entries and Awards

#1 Denice Girardeau – Purpuru Illuminati
#2 Sally Fink – Empress of Flame
#3 Ellen Wilds – Victorian Dolls’ Wardrobe
#4 Trixy Loup Wolf – Blueberry of the Grave
#5 Rae Bradbury-Enslin – Medusa
#6 Jill Racop – Robert Quill Artist for Hire
#7 Helen St John – The “New Look”
#8 Helen St John – Hitty the Vampire Slayer
#9 Rachel Wyman – Harvey
#10 Morgan Hatfield – Baby Bee
#11 Kathe Barrows – “Not Finished Yet”


  • Best Beadwork: #1, Denice Girardeau
  • Attention to detail: #8, Helen St John
  • NRFB award and attention to facial detail: #6, Jill Racop
  • It’s just so wrong award: #4, Trixyloup Wolf
  • Come out and Play award: #3, Ellen Wilds
  • Best Tailoring: #7, Helen St John
  • Best in Show: #2, Sally Fink

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