Costume-Con 26 (CC26): Mouse-Kerade Competition Gallery and Rules

Costume-Con 26 (CC26): Mouse-Kerade Competition Gallery and Rules

CC26-MK-23a: Unknown

Image 62 of 63

CC26-MK-23a: Unknown | Maker(s): Unknown (Photo ID: John O'Halloran | Event Date: 2008)

Competition Staff & Rules


  • Director: Unknown
  • Master of Ceremonies: Unknown
  • Judge(s): Unknown


Invented by Fiona Leonard at CC16, the Mouse-kerade is being brought back to life by highly capable Minions Radar and Johanna at the Monday Night Reanimated Canine Party! This is really Costume-Con in miniature. Monday night, after the conference is over, gather in the ConSuite with your favorite plush toy, wearing a costume of your own creation (the toy, not you, well, you should wear something too, but it’s the toy that’s competing… you get the drift, don’t you?). Watch the MC stretch between entries! See tech failures! Wait for the judges to return from their deliberations (in the bathroom)! Collect your carefully hand-calligraphed (in ballpoint) winner’s certificate!

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