Costume-Con 24 (CC24): Science Fiction & Fantasy Masquerade Gallery

Costume-Con 24 (CC24): Science Fiction & Fantasy Masquerade Gallery

CC24-SF-05b: The SFF aka Scrap Fabric Fairies

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CC24-SF-05b: The SFF aka Scrap Fabric Fairies | Division: Novice | Category: Original | Designer(s): Kat Pepmiller and Michelle Clark | Maker(s): Kat Pepmiller and Michelle Clark | Presenter(s): Kat Pepmiller and Michelle Clark | Workmanship Award(s): Most Clever Weapons | Presentation Award(s): Best Concept | Additional Award(s): Received a Disney Wizard's hat (Photo ID: Steve Houle | 1509574#75410497 | Event Date: 2006)

Competition Staff & Rules


  • Director: Elaine Mami
  • Master of Ceremonies: Moses (Pierre E. Pettinger, Jr.)
  • Presentation Judges: Kevin Roche, Henry Osier and Sandy Pettinger. Clerk: Dora Buck
  • Workmanship Judge(s): Lisa Ashton



All data missing. Please contact the Costume-Con Archivist if you have program books, pocket programs, Progress Reports or other materials from this conference.

Note: Several special awards were given at this convention. The Tech Crew Seal of Approval Award for the entry which came best prepared to tech rehearsal, The CC26 Persistance of Stitchery Award for the entry CC26 most wants to temp to attend CC26, The Greater Bay Area Rising Star Award for the Best Novice, The Silicon Web Dreamcatcher Award for the Most Innovative Use of Technology, and Disney prizes donated by Eric Cannon and Sue Kulinyi.

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