Costume-Con 24 (CC24): Doll Contest Gallery

Costume-Con 24 (CC24): Doll Contest Gallery

CC24-DC-05: Bruinhyld

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CC24-DC-05: Bruinhyld | Category: Purchased Doll | Designer(s): Unknown | Maker(s): Unknown (Photo ID: Steve Houle | Event Date: 2006)

Competition Staff & Rules


  • Director: Unknown
  • Judge(s): Unknown



All data missing. Please contact the Costume-Con Archivist if you have program books, pocket programs, Progress Reports or other materials from this conference.

Need the names/makers/awards for all entries as noted by “Unknown” in the fields.

If you know the name of the doll, its maker or the award it received, please contact us at our info @ address!


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