Costume-Con 23 (CC23): Future Fashion Folio Design Contest Gallery and Rules

Costume-Con 23 (CC23): Future Fashion Folio Design Contest Gallery and Rules

CC23-FS-03: Matriarch and CC23-FS-04: Patriarch

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CC23-FS-03: Matriarch and CC23-FS-04: Patriarch | Category: Future Fashion | Designer(s): Alison Kondo and Fran Evans | Maker(s): Sandy Pettinger and Pierre E. Pettinger, Jr. | Presenter(s): 3. Sandy Pettinger and 4. Pierre E. Pettinger, Jr. | Presentation Award(s): Most Accurate by Non-Designer (Patriarch) (Photo ID: Lensman PhotoGraphics/Greg Bradt | Event Date: 2005)

Competition Staff & Rules


  • Future Fashion Folio: Karen Schnaubelt, Ricky Dick and Geoffrey “Shrek” Brown
  • Future Fashion and Single Pattern Show Director: Albert Ricci
  • Master of Ceremonies: Marty Gear*
  • Presentation Judges: Julie Zetterberg


Future Fashion Design Contest Deadline for Submissions: October 1, 2004

Dreaming of being a costume or fashion designer? Have a notebook full of cool sketches and nowhere to display them? Please consider participating in this Fashion Design Contest, sponsored by Costume-Con 23!

Winning designs from this contest will be published in a printed FUTURE FASHION FOLIO, which will be distributed to the winning designers and the members of Costume-Con 23.

Some of the designs published in the FOLIO will be chosen by models, made up, and presented in a live FASHION SHOW on May 1, 2005 at Costume-Con 23 in Orem, Utah. You do NOT have to be a member of Costume-Con 23 to enter this design contest. You DO have to be a member of the convention if you want to participate in the FASHION SHOW.

Our definition of “FUTURE” is very broad, so designs can be anything from 10 minutes from now to 20,000 years into the future. Let your imagination run wild! Design for this world or another, alien or human, adults or children, use variants on ethnic and historical elements, or showcase that fancy sewing technique you always wanted to learn.

NEW THIS YEAR: For the first time ever, Costume-Con will publish an “on-line” version of the FUTURE FASHION FOLIO, which will be accessible from the Costume-Con 23 website. This on-line version is IN ADDITION TO the regular printed Folio.

The intent of the “on-line” version is for convention members to be able to view the designs (a) in color, and (b) up to a month earlier than a printed Folio will be available, which may improve the number of designs selected and made up for the Fashion Show at the convention.

The “on-line” version of the Folio will be PASSWORD PROTECTED, and ONLY members of Costume-Con 23 will receive a password to be able to view the Folio. We understand the problems / copyright issues involved with Internet publication and the hesitancy of some designers to have their work appear on-line; however, we also want designers to understand that we are doing our utmost to protect your work: the “on-line” Folio will NOT be available to outsiders, will have strict copyright warnings all over it, and will probably be viewed by FEWER people than the printed version. While we strongly encourage all designers to participate in the “on-line” version of the Folio, you may OPT OUT of the “on-line” version if you desire. See Rule #10 on back for instructions.

Costume-Con 23 Design Contest Rules:

1. All designs must be ORIGINAL IDEAS. You can draw your design on a traced figure or have someone else draw it for you, but the idea itself must be original. If someone other than the designer is drawing the design, please give them credit on the back of the design. Please be neat!

2. All designs must be on 8.5″ by 11″ (or A4) sheets of paper. (We would prefer white.) Detail work or back views may be put on extra sheets.

3. DO NOT SEND US ORIGINAL ARTWORK. All designs should be photo-copies or any other clear, non-smudging reproduction.

4. You may — in fact, we encourage you to — submit your designs in color. But we MUST have a black and white line copy of your design for reproduction in the Fashion Folio. This means black ink on white 8.5″ by 11″ paper. Please make sure your black and white copy is clean and will reproduce well.

5. If you color your designs, DO NOT use anything that requires spray fixative, or may smear, smudge, stick, or flake off on other people’s drawings.

6. Number entries consecutively on the back in the upper right hand corner. Example: If you submit 4 designs, they will be numbered as follows – #1 of 4, #2 of 4, etc. Your black and white set should be labeled B/W #1 of 4, etc. If a single design has multiple sheets, they should be numbered a, b, c, etc. (so if your design #13 takes four pages, they should be 13a, 13b, 13c and 13d).

7. Your name and address MUST be marked clearly on the back of EACH AND EVERY design sheet submitted, NOT just on the envelope or just one of the entries.

8. If you are a first-time designer, please indicate this on the back of EACH of your design sheets.

9. If you are a designer 12 years of age or under, please indicate this on the back of EACH of your design sheets.

10. If you do not want your designs published in the “on-line” version of the Fashion Folio, write “ON-LINE OPT OUT” on the back of EVERY design sheet you do not want to appear on-line.

11. If you wish to reserve designs for yourself or friends to be made up for the Fashion Show if they win, please mark “RESERVED BY DESIGNER” on the back of those designs.

12. Please identify the source of your inspiration (if any) on the back of the design: book, poem, movie, TV, or your own imagination.

13. Please let us know what category you think your design should be in — sportswear, bridal, ceremonial, etc. You can include design details, fabric suggestions, and colors if you want. The Folio Director and the Judges do reserve the right to shift the category of a design if necessary. (This sometimes happens in heavily entered categories to give more designs a chance to win.)

14. Enter as many designs as you wish and as often as you wish, PRIOR TO THE DEADLINE OF October 1, 2004. Designs must be IN OUR HANDS (not just postmarked) by that date.

15. Your designs will NOT be returned unless you request it and have also included a BIG ENOUGH SASE with SUFFICIENT POSTAGE on it, with your designs.

16. By submitting your designs to Costume-Con 23, you agree to the non-profit use and publication of said designs by Costume-Con 23, prior to and during the run of the convention, also their reproduction in the Fashion Show. All rights revert back to the designer after the convention.

Additionally, designers having designs made up for the Fashion Show will be contacted by representatives of the web site and the Costume-Con Archives for permission to display their design sketches next to the photos of the finished products from the Fashion Show. These permissions are optional but highly encouraged so visitors to the Costume-Con web site or the Costume-Con Archives will better understand the transition from the Folio design winner drawing to the Fashion Show 3-D display piece.


CASH PRIZES ($25 1st place, $15 2nd place, $10 3rd place) will be awarded in the following special categories:

1. WILD FRONTIER (sponsored by Cat Devereaux*): Imagine the future as we expand out with our knowledge. We will be traveling deeper into Space, exploring the Oceans and maybe even other dimensions. Some folks will choose to seek the wilds of frontier life vs. the safe mundania of a structured civilization. What will they wear? What is considered wild in the future?

2. DESERT CLIMATE (sponsored by Ricky Dick and Karen Schnaubelt): Can be the deserts here on Earth, or on some distant planet. Do your own interpretation of costumes from your favorite genre book or movie featuring a desert climate, or make up clothing from a culture of your own invention.

SUBMIT DESIGNS BY 10/1/04 TO Costume-Con 23 Design Contest, c/o Ricky Dick and Karen Schnaubelt, (Removed)

Questions? Email: (Removed)

For more info about Costume-Con 23: CC23, c/o Keri Doering, (Removed)

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