Costume-Con 23 (CC23): Doll Contest Gallery and Rules

Costume-Con 23 (CC23): Doll Contest Gallery and Rules

CC23-DC-01: Angel-Puppet from the TV Series Angel, episode "Smile Time"

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CC23-DC-01: Angel-Puppet from the TV Series Angel, episode "Smile Time" | Category: Self-Made Doll | Designer(s): Anne Davenport | Maker(s): Anne Davenport | Presentation Award(s): Best Media (Photo ID: Lensman PhotoGraphics/Greg Bradt | Event Date: 2005)

Competition Staff & Rules


  • Director: Pierre E. Pettinger, Jr.
  • Judge(s): Unknown


Costume-Con 23 Grand Doll Competition

The Costume-Con 23 Doll Competition is your opportunity to make that fantastic costume in your head that is too big, will take too long, or be too expensive at full size. Compete it on a doll.

You may use either purchased figures or self-made figure. By purchased figure we mean the physical doll itself (a Barbie, Raggedy Ann or other doll) and you make an original costume for it. By self-made we mean you make the body of the doll as well as the costume. They may be human, humanoid, alien, animal or abstract. The costuming must be original and the focus of judging will be on the costume itself. Keep in mind that even with dolls, no costume is no costume.

We will group all entries by type of figure and subject. Typical categories will be Fantasy, Science Fiction, Historic, Theatrical and so forth, and by purchased or self-made.

We do have one special category: The Color Challenge. This is a special category designed to spark your creativity by limiting your color palette. Here’s how it works. You will send to me two numbers of your choice between 1 and 20. I have a random list of colors which will correspond to these numbers. Your two numbers will determine your palette, which I will send to you.

Once you have your colors you must design your doll using only those colors. You may use shades of your color within reason. For example if you get red as one of your colors, you may use scarlet or crimson, but not pink. In addition, you may use natural flesh tones or hair colors regardless of your palette. However, if you wish to use non-natural flesh or hair, it must conform to your palette.

We hope you will enjoy this special category. Judging results will be announced at the Historic masquerade.
You must be at least a supporting member to enter. If you have an entry, but are not coming to the convention, please try to send your work with an attendee, who can personally deliver and return it. You may enter more than one doll, but please check on space availability if you have several dolls, larger dolls or a diorama.

Your doll must be on display no later than noon Saturday for judging, though Friday morning is preferred. If you have a problem, please let us know.

It will help to organize space if you pre-register your entry with the Doll Competition Director. You can also ask questions and let me know if you have any special display needs. While regular doll contest entries do not HAVE to pre-register, Color Challenge entries MUST pre-register. For pre-registration, questions, or to send your two numbers for the Color Challenge, contact me at

Pierre E. Pettinger, Jr.
(Address Removed)

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