Costume-Con 22 (CC22): Single Pattern Competition Gallery and Rules

Costume-Con 22 (CC22): Single Pattern Competition Gallery and Rules

CC22-SP-04: Titania's Night Out (Corset)

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CC22-SP-04: Titania's Night Out (Corset) | Category: Single Pattern | Designer(s): Jonatha Caspian | Maker(s): Jonatha Caspian | Presenter(s): Susan Parent | Presentation Award(s): Best Corset (Photo ID: Ken Warren #6-14 | Event Date: 2004)

Competition Staff & Rules


  • Director: Chrism Kronick
  • Master of Ceremonies: Bruce Mai
  • Judge(s): Karen Schnaubelt and Trudy Leonard


The two patterns for the single pattern contest have been finalized and many thanks go out to our two sponsors:

  • The Ladies Victorian Underwear Corset Pattern by Laughing Moon, sponsored by Farthingales ([url][/url])
  • The Sunburst Cocoon Coat #260 by Folkwear, sponsored by AlterYears ([url][/url])

The basic rules for the single pattern contest are:

  • Contestants must use one of the two selected patterns
  • Patterns can be modified in any way as long as the judges can tell what pattern the garment is based on.
  • There is no limit on the manipulation of the fabric being used
  • Bead, trim, embroidery and embellish until your heart is content
  • Have fun and make something that you enjoy showing off

Note – Entries presented as part of the Future Fashion Show

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