Costume-Con 22 (CC22): Science Fiction & Fantasy Masquerade Gallery and Rules

Costume-Con 22 (CC22): Science Fiction & Fantasy Masquerade Gallery and Rules

CC22-SF-19b: The End

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CC22-SF-19b: The End | Division: Master | Category: Original | Designer(s): Nora Mai and Karen Heim | Maker(s): Nora Mai and Karen Heim | Presenter(s): Nora Mai | Workmanship Award(s): Best Wirework | Presentation Award(s): Award for Stylization (Photo ID: Ken Warren #3-21 | Event Date: 2004)

Competition Staff & Rules


  • Director: Fiona Leonard Brown
  • Master of Ceremonies: Bruce Mai
  • Workmanship Judges: Jacqueline M. Ward
  • Presentation Judge: Marty Gear*, Dana MacDermott* and Bruce MacDermott. Judges’ Clerk: Bobby Gear*


1. All contestants must be members of Costume-Con 22.

2. All entries should pre-register. There will be at-the-con registration, but pre-register even if you only think you’ll have a garment completed in time.

3. No purchased or rented costumes may be shown in competition. Hall costumes may not be shown in competition. Costumes which have won competition awards at previous Costume-Cons or Worldcons are ineligible to compete for an award, but can appear on stage as out-of-competition.

4. The masquerade is rated PG-13. No flagrant nudity. There must be some display of skill in creating and executing a design. The Judges will not award what Mother Nature created. Remember, no costume is no costume.

5. Each contestant may appear only once on stage. You may enter another costume, but it must be on another body.

6. Small children must be under the control of a responsible adult at all times.

7. Your costume must be completed before you get to the Greenroom. No sewing, gluing, soldering, welding, or other construction work may take place in the Greenroom except the final assembly of large costumes and props or unexpected repairs. (Historical Masquerade only)

8. No live animals (no matter how sweet, lovable and well behaved they are) may appear on stage. This does not include service animals aiding the disabled.

9. No messy substances (wet, dry or oily) which might rub off and ruin costumes of other contestants or the facility’s furniture. If you are doing body paint or makeup, be sure it won’t come off in casual contact with others.

10. No projectiles”, fire, flash powder, explosives or open flames of any kind can be used. If you will be using electronic flash, notify the Masquerade Director in advance of the masquerade or it will not be allowed.

11. All weapons must be checked for safety. No illegal weapons of any kind. Refer to the CC22 Convention Guidelines on page 3. [The appropriate Masquerade Director must approve any use of weaponry as part of your costume”, as well as the use of any “special effects.” It is okay to surprise the audience, but not the staff. Violators are subject to be disqualified from masquerade competition.]

12. No live microphone will be on stage for contestants’ use. Any narration to be read by the MC must be neatly and clearly written down; and keep it short”, under 100 words. However, you can record your own narration or text for lip-synching. If you wish to interact with the MC be sure to consult with her/him before the masquerade.

13. Entries with 1-6 people will be given a maximum of 60 seconds on stage. Entries with 7 or more will be given a maximum of 90 seconds on stage. Do not take all the allotted time if you don’t need it. If you need more than the allotted time on stage”, contact the Masquerade Director in advance of the convention, not at the masquerade.

14. All costumes entering in the Recreation division MUST provide documentation, to be presented at the Masquerade Table no later than 10 AM on Saturday. April 3, 2004. Please submit ONLY COPIES of your source material.

15. Costumes with electric power must be self-contained. No outlets will be available.

16. Do not leave anything on stage. If you plan to leave anything on stage, let the Masquerade Director or Backstage Director know before the masquerade, preferably at the tech rehearsal, so the stage can be cleared for the next costume.

17. You can surprise the audience, but never surprise the Masquerade Director or Crew!!! If you are planning something unusual or unique, please inform the Masquerade Director well in advance of the masquerade.

18. The Masquerade Director has the full authority to eliminate anyone from the competition on the grounds of bad taste, danger to self and/or others, violation of the above rules, or any other reason deemed sufficient. There will be no appeal. Offers of cash and/or chocolate will not help.

19. If you feel any or all of these rules don’t apply to you, you are so wrong. You must convince the Masquerade Director to make an exception long before the masquerade. Offers of cash and/or chocolate will not help here either.


The ballroom where the Social and Masquerades will be held is 55′ x 118′, with 14′ ceilings. The stage will be 32′ x 16′ with steps. The back will have pipe and drape (and railings across the back). The greenroom is 39′ x 34′ with 11′ ceilings. The greenroom leads directly to the stage, so there may be some light bleed if you are planning on entering in total darkness. The doors leading from the greenroom to the stage are 6′ wide and 7′ tall.


You may have taped or burned CD music and/or narration for your presentation. DO NOT submit commercial prerecorded CDs or tapes. Use a standard cassette tape or CD to record your music/narration. It is advised that you record your music/ narration on BOTH SIDES of the cassette, but cue-up the “A” side of your tape. Be sure to label your tape or CD with your name and costume title.

TIP: bring two or three copies of your tape/CD –turn in one as usual, keep one on you if possible, and give one to a friend who will be in the audience.

Tapes must be turned into the Masquerade Registration Table by 10:00 A.M. on Saturday, April 3, 2004. If you will be arriving later, please make alternate arrangements in advance.


Weapons may be worn by contestants during the masquerade if appropriate to the costume. If you carry a weapon, you must satisfy the Masquerade Director that you can do so without endangering yourself or anyone else. No illegal or loaded weapons (guns, bows, slings, throwing stars, etc.) may be used. No live steel may be used.


All masquerade participants must sign the release. A parent or guardian must sign for a minor entrant.


Pre-registration will be available and encouraged. Go to form.


Pre-judging will take place backstage before the masquerade for workmanship and construction awards and possibly re-creations.


Documentation is only necessary for re-creation costumes.

Please be prepared to turn in your documentation by 10 A.M. on Saturday. Please keep it neat, concise and short. No dissertations, please.


Presentation, Design, Best In Show, Best In Class and Re-creation awards may be given in whatever configuration best pleases the judges.

Skill Divisions for SF/F Masquerade are as follows:

You must compete as a NOVICE if you have:
1. Never entered an SF/F masquerade
2. Won only one time in a SF/F masquerade

You must compete as a JOURNEYMAN if you are/have:
1. A Master win in a historical masquerade (or you can enter at the Master level”, of course)
2. A Best Novice win in an SF/F masquerade (even if this is your only win at the Novice level)
3. Won two times at the Novice level in SF/F masquerades

You must compete as a MASTER if you are/have:
1. Competed at this level in SF/F masquerades and won a prize at this level
2. Two wins at the Journeyman level in SF/F masquerades
3. A Best Journeyman win in a SF/F masquerade (even if this is your only win at the Journeyman level)
4. A professional earning at least 50% of your income from the fashion industry

You must compete as a JUNIOR if you are:
1. 12 years old or younger and are not appearing in an adult presentation”
2. 12 years old or younger appearing alone in an adult-made costume or a self-made costume (it could happen)

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