Costume-Con 22 (CC22): Doll Contest Gallery and Rules

Costume-Con 22 (CC22): Doll Contest Gallery and Rules

CC22-DC-06a: Iorek Byrnison

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CC22-DC-06a: Iorek Byrnison | Category: Self-Made Doll | Designer(s): Tracy V. Wilson | Maker(s): Tracy V. Wilson | Presentation Award(s): Best in Show (interpretation of armor, including rust runs from the rivets and "leatherwork") (Photo ID: Betsy R. Marks | Event Date: 2004)

Competition Staff & Rules


  • Director: Cathy Swope
  • Judge(s): Nora Mai, Karen Heim, Genie Hillen


Here is your opportunity to make that dream costume – without needing the rest of your life to finish it! Enter the doll competition!

1. You may use either purchased or self-made figures to dress. They may be human, humanoid, animal or alien; they may be any reasonable doll size or miniatures.

2. The costuming must be original work, and it is the costume that will be the focus of the judging.

3. Entries will be grouped by type of figure and subject matter: Historical, Fantasy, Miniature, Humor and others, depending on what is entered.

4. There are no sponsored topics or cash prizes, but special awards are being arranged and will be presented Sunday.

5. Workmanship awards will be given.

6. You must be at least a supporting member to enter. If you have an entry, but are not coming to the convention, please try to send your work with an attendee, who can personally deliver and return it.

7. You may enter more than once, but please check on space availability if you have several dolls, larger dolls, or a diorama.

8. Your doll must be on display no later than noon Saturday for judging – or as soon as you can get it there!

9. It will help to organize space if you preregister your entry with the doll show director.

You can also ask questions and let us know if you have any special display needs. You may email Cathy Swope at (Removed).

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