Costume-Con 21 (CC21): Doll Contest Gallery and Rules

Costume-Con 21 (CC21): Doll Contest Gallery and Rules

CC21-DC-01: Which Wench is a Witch

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CC21-DC-01: Which Wench is a Witch | Category: Self-Made Doll (handmade, human, fantasy) | Designer(s): Zoe Morrow | Maker(s): Zoe Morrow | Presentation Award(s): Handmade Fantasy Human (Photo ID: Betsy R. Marks | Event Date: 2003)

Competition Staff & Rules


  • Director: Janine “Dollyrocker” Fennick
  • Judge(s): Unknown


Following are the rules of the competition:

1. You may submit a human or non-human doll. Dolls and creatures will be judged separately.

2. Dolls/creatures can either be purchased (i.e. Barbie/Ken, Gene/Trent, Tyler Wentworth, Teddy Bears) or handmade. There will be separate judging categories for each. However, all clothing must be made by the entrants – no commercial clothing is allowed. However, shoes, accessories and diorama furnishings can be purchased. If a purchased doll(s) is being used, it is suggested (but not mandatory) that you let us know which doll it is so we can allot the proper space.

3. Emphasis in the judging of dolls will be placed on the costuming of the doll, including the scale and fit. Emphasis in the judging of creatures will be on the costuming or decoration of the creature. Judges will have final control over all categories and awards given.

4. All non-perishable materials are allowed.

5. Entrants must pre-register by sending their name, address, phone number, email address (if any), number of entries, and approximate size of each entry via snail mail to the main Costume-Con 21 address (Address Removed), or email to the competition coordinator (Removed) by Thursday, April 17, 2003. All entrants must be supporting or attending members of Costume-Con 21.

6. Entrants need not be present to win. Supporting members may have someone else bring their entries or ship their entries to the convention in advance. Please plan to have shipped entries arrive no later than Monday, April 14, 2003. Return postage must be included or pickup by an attending member arranged or you will never see your creation(s) again! Costume-Con 21 is NOT RESPONSIBLE for entries lost, delayed, misdirected, damaged, or destroyed by the delivery service of your choice, if you do ship, please include explicit instructions on how items should be displayed including diagrams for dioramas and any other information you think might be necessary.

7. By submitting your entry, you are giving Costume-Con 21 (and its designated representatives) permission to photograph and/or videotape your entry for purposes of sale as part of post-conventions packages. Your entry(ies) may also be photographed or videotaped for personal enjoyment only by members of Costume-Con 21.

8. Each conventioneer is limited to one entry per category sub-category.

9. There will be no on-site registration of dolls for competition. You may, however, bring non-competition dolls to the exhibition room for display without preregistering.

10. Please provide a separate information/registration sheet for each entry. Remember to keep a copy for your own records.

11. The entrant of each single doll creative design must be the only person involved in the creation of the design.

12. Individuals or groups of individuals can enter the multiple doll category.

13. All dolls must be on a sturdy stand or appropriate base (i.e. furniture) for display.

14. All diorama scenes cannot exceed 24 inches wide by 12 inches deep by 24 inches high. This size limit will be strictly enforced. Please note on your registration form if your entry is a diorama so we can allot the proper space.

15. Spacing of the displays is up to the Convention Committee, placement and arrangement is done by the entrant (unless they have been shipped by supporting members). Once entries are placed, they cannot be moved.

16. While not mandatory, it is suggested that anyone doing media or celebrity recreations of any kind include reference photos or sketches or a descriptive paragraph (if from a book) since the judges may not be familiar with your source material. Clear, high-quality photocopies or computer printouts are also allowable.

17. Dioramas or groups of 2 or more figures can be both human and non-human, so if you’re desperate to do Cerebus and Jaka or Princess Leia and an army of Ewoks, you can. If there are enough of these, they will be a separate mixed category; otherwise entries with at least one human figure be considered as Human.

18. There will be two separate special categories:
A. Mob Rules: any bastion of organized crime you can think of. Some examples: Space pirates, the Mafia, the Yakuza, Little Alex and his droogies, the warring factions in the Star Trek episode “A Piece of the Action”, Imperial Storm Troopers, the Hell Fire Club, Robin Hood and his Merry Men.
B. The Swinging 60’s: go shagadelic, baby, and show us how your creative mojo works. 60s celebrities, TV shows, films, rock bands, the sky’s the limit. Entries can also be historical fashion recreations or something of your own design.

19. Please submit each of your entries with the following information typed, not handwritten, on a piece of paper:
* Title of entry
* Categories (i.e. Purchased, Human, Individual, Historical, Recreation)
* Name of Entrant
* Address
* Phone number
* Email address (if any)
Entries lacking this information will not be considered.

20. Categories are:
*Individual/Multiple Dolls/Diorama (single or multiple dolls)
*Mob Rules
*The Swinging 60’s

For any further questions, please contact the doll contest coordinator, Jan Fennick, at (Removed).

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