Costume-Con 20 (CC20): Historical Masquerade Gallery and Rules

Costume-Con 20 (CC20): Historical Masquerade Gallery and Rules

CC20-H-11b: 1880s Walking Suit

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CC20-H-11b: 1880s Walking Suit | Division: Journeyman | Designer(s): Meg Lowry | Maker(s): Meg Lowry | Presenter(s): Meg Lowry (with Larry Edwards as butler) | Presentation Award(s): Best Presentation (Photo ID: Wendy Wildemoth | Event Date: 2002)

Competition Staff & Rules


  • Director: Paul Poulton
  • Master of Ceremonies: George Ivanoff
  • Presentation Judges: Nicki Jenkins, Jayne Coney and Robert Jan
  • Workmanship Judge: Christopher Ballis


The Progress reports and other publications do not include the rules for the two main competitions. If you have a copy of these rules, please pass them on to the Costume-Con Archivist.

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