Costume-Con 19 (CC19): Tie Contest Gallery and Rules

Costume-Con 19 (CC19): Tie Contest Gallery and Rules

CC19-OFFS-TC-03-: Adam's Tie

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CC19-OFFS-TC-03-: Adam's Tiet | Category: Wearable Art | Designer(s): Susan Eisenhour | Maker(s): Susan Eisenhour | Presentation Award(s): Best Mixed Media (Photo ID: Greg Bradt | Event Date: 2001)

Competition Staff & Rules


  • Director: Unknown
  • Master of Ceremonies: Unknown
  • Judges: Cymbric VanFaulker, Pam Bowyer, Morgan Smith


Wearable Art Contest, Our theme is the necktie. Push the limits from the sublime to the ridiculous.

Miscellaneous Notes: If there were more extensive rules to this competition, please provide them!

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