Costume-Con 19 (CC19): Friday Night Social (Monoliths)

Costume-Con 19 (CC19): Friday Night Social (Monoliths)

CC19-FNS-02: Unknown

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CC19-FNS-02: Unknown | Division: Monoliths (Photo ID: Ron Robinson | Event Date: 2001)

Competition Staff & Rules

Miscellaneous Notes: The monoliths at CC19 were not really a contest. It was an activity at the Friday Night Social. Mini-monoliths were provided along with supplies to “costume” them. … Most of the people who took advantage were young fans. Any decorated monoliths left behind at the end of the evening were displayed for the rest of the weekend in the main registration area. There is no record of who created any of them.

The full size monolith was built by a team from the CC19 committee and was serving humble notice-board duty after the Social.

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