Costume-Con 19 (CC19): Doll Contest Gallery and Rules

Costume-Con 19 (CC19): Doll Contest Gallery and Rules

CC19-DC-32: Baby Buntings

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CC19-DC-32: Baby Buntings | Division: Master | Category: Self-Made Doll | Designer(s): Ann Catelli | Maker(s): Ann Catelli (Photo ID: Greg Bradt | Event Date: 2001)

Competition Staff & Rules


  • Director: Judy Simpson
  • Doll Competition Judge(s): Unknown


Registration for the Doll Contest will take place at Costume-Con 19. You may enter a doll without attending the Con. The best way of submitting a doll if not attending is to have someone who is coming bring your doll for you. If that is not feasible, you may ship the doll to the Costume-Con 19 post office box (please supply return shipping costs). If you are entering the contest, but not attending the Con, we need the following information:

Title of Doll:
Category: Made doll or Purchased doll; made costume
Approximate dimensions (for display room purposes)
Made by: specify Child or Adult

Skill Level: as per Masquerade

Novice: A beginner with very little experience in dollmaking. Someone who has won no more than two awards at a similar event.

Journeyman: A dollmaker of intermediate skill. Any dollmaker who has won between two and six awards at a similar event.

Master. A dollmaker of advanced skills. This includes anyone who makes, or has made in the past, more than 50% of their income from dollmaking, and anyone who has won more than 6 awards at previous similar events.

Please note that all dolls must be freestanding or have their own stand – we will not have any stands available, and dolls are not best displayed lying on a table.

Roomboxes are welcome, provided they have a costumed doll in them.

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