Costume-Con 18 (CC18): Science Fiction & Fantasy Masquerade Gallery and Rules

Costume-Con 18 (CC18): Science Fiction & Fantasy Masquerade Gallery and Rules

CC18-SF-27b: Seeking Hope

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CC18-SF-27b: Seeking Hope | Inspired by Chinese 'Peking' Opera and Shadow Theatre | Division: Journeyman | Category: Original | Designer(s): Kristin Burger (Polearm), Allan Kent, Dan Zimmerman and Susan Kruger (Girls' Headpiece), Deryl Burr and Pat Vandenburg (Girls' Outfits), Dragon Head designed by Dan Zimmerman | Maker(s): Kristin Burger, (Polearm), Allan Kent, Dan Zimmerman and Susan Kruger (Girls' Headpiece), Deryl Burr and Pat Vandenburg (Girls' Outfits). Dragon Head carved by Susan Kruger, remaining made by Dan Zimmermann, Allan Kent, Dina Flockhart, Ian Flockhart, Nancy Shapiro, Pat Vandenburg, Stephanie Fine, Rich Fine, Barbara Flockhart, Lois Mangan, Phillip Nathanson, Sandra Ryan, Ellen Kranzer, Joe Kesselman, Susan Brown, Doug Ray, Suford Lewis, Phyllis Collins, Tracy Cornogg, Sheila Oranch, Donna Dubé and Ann Catelli | Presenter(s): Aliza Burr (Young Girl), Nancy Shapiro (Transformed Girl), Dina Flockhart, Ian Flockhart, Pat Vandenburg, Allan Kent, Suford Lewis, Tony Lewis, Donna Dubé, Lois Mangan, Phillip Nathanson, Keshlam, Ellen Kranzer, Dale Farmer, Sandra Ryan, Dan Zimmerman, Sue Brown, Sharon Sbarsky, Doug Ray, Todd Kruger and Don Eastlake III (Dragon) | Workmanship Award(s): The Mushu Award (Dragon Head Construction), Susan Kruger and Dan Zimmerman | Presentation Award(s): Best in Class. Received: Applique Innovations, donated by Cloak and Dagger (Photo ID: Ken Warren | Event Date: 2000)

Competition Staff & Rules


  • Director: Sharon Trembley
  • Master of Ceremonies: Toni Lay*
  • Workmanship Judges: Kathryn Elms & Duane Elms
  • Presentation Judges: Darla Kruger, Elaine Mami, David Doering & Trudy Leonard
  • Front of House: ‘Zanne Labonville


The Science Fiction and Fantasy Masquerade is a competition for costumes of fantastic origin. Registration for this competition will be at the convention. If any area of concern is not addressed in the following information, please contact the SF and F Masquerade Director before the convention.

Types of costumes:

A re-creation is a type of costume based on a visual source such as painting, movie, or book cover. It is highly suggested anyone entering a re-creation costume bring some sort of documentation – a picture – of the image being presented for the judges’ reference.

An original costume is designed from the costumer’s imagination; even if a text description of a costume is available, the costume still would be an original.

Skill Divisions are used to permit costumers of similar experience to compete with their peers:

* The Junior division is for anyone under 13 years of age. Costumes made by the entrant and those made by adults will be judged separately.
* The Novice division is for anyone who has won less than three awards in the Novice division and no awards in a higher division at a previous Costume-Con or World Science Fiction Convention.
* The Journeyman division is for anyone who has won less than three awards in the Journeyman division and no awards in the Master division at a previous Costume-Con or World Science Fiction Convention.
* The Master division is for anyone ineligible for the previously listed divisions. Also, anyone who makes a significant part of their living in the costuming field must compete at this level.

Any costumer may opt to compete at a higher level, but not a lower one. Costumers who compete at the Master level in the Historical Masquerade should compete at least in the Journeyman level of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Masquerade if their skills warrant it.

Costumes will be judged separately for presentation and workmanship. The presentation panel of judges will judge the costume solely by what is seen on the stage. This would include the costume and the manner in which it is presented. The workmanship judging is optional and performed up-close backstage. The whole costume or specific pieces may be submitted for workmanship judging for a multitude of techniques not limited to just sewing.

Awards will be given within the skill divisions and any costume competing is eligible to win Best in Show.

To contact the Science Fiction and Fantasy Masquerade Director: (Address Removed)

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