Costume-Con 18 (CC18): Bathing Beauty/Beefcake Contest Gallery and Rules

Costume-Con 18 (CC18): Bathing Beauty/Beefcake Contest Gallery and Rules

CC18-OFFS-BB-03: Victorian Modesty

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CC18-OFFS-BB-03: Victorian Modesty | Category: Bathing Beauties | Designer(s): Ann Catelli, Shanti Fader and Jeff Poretsky | Maker(s): Ann Catelli, Shanti Fader and Jeff Poretsky | Presenter(s): Ann Catelli, Shanti Fader and Jeff Poretsky | Presentation Award(s): First Place. All participants received: $5 Gift Certificates, donated by Clothilde (Photo ID: Ken Warren | Event Date: 2000)

Competition Staff & Rules


  • Director: Rae Bradbury-Enslin
  • Master of Ceremonies: Tony Lewis
  • Future Fashion Show, Single Pattern Contest, Bathing Beauty and Beefcake Contest Judges: Richard Hill, Laurel Cunningham-Hill and Suford Lewis


Carrying on in the newest Costume-Con tradition (putting people on stage in their undergarments), CC18 invites you to enter our bathing suit contest.

Designs can be for men/women and children. Historical, fantastical or just plain weird, all are welcome. We just ask that you keep it PG. The contest will be held during the Future Fashion Show.

First, second and third prizes will be awarded.

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