Costume-Con 17 (CC17): Future Fashion Folio Design Contest Gallery and Rules

Costume-Con 17 (CC17): Future Fashion Folio Design Contest Gallery and Rules

CC17-FS-02: Lost Luggage Evening Semi-Wear (Version 2)

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CC17-FS-02: Lost Luggage Evening Semi-Wear (Version 2) | Category: Future Fashion | Designer(s): Nora Mai | Maker(s): Barbara Lynn Higgins | Presenter(s): Barbara Lynn Higgins | Workmanship Award(s): Most Accurate Made by Other than Designer (Photo ID: Ken Warren #5-34 | Event Date: 1999)

Competition Staff & Rules


  • Future Fashion Folio: Susan de Guardiola
  • Future Fashion Show Director(s): Susan de Guardiola
  • Master of Ceremonies: Susan de Guardiola
  • Judge (Future Fashion Show): Denice Girardeau
  • Folio Judges: ?


Rules For The Future Fashion Folio Design Contests (Two!)

The Future Fashion Folio is a competition taking place before Costume-Con begins. Everyone is invited to submit designs by the deadline or August 31 [revised from 8/23], 1998. All designs are reviewed by a panel of judges; the winning designs will be published in the form of a booklet which will be sent out in early October 1998, to everyone who has become a member of Costume-Con 17. Designs will then be made up by members for exhibition at Costume-Con 17.

For Costume-Con 17, we will be trying something different from previous years for the design contest and Folio. There will be two overall contests, each handled a little differently.

The first category will be an accessory design contest, limited to hats/wigs/headpieces, shoes/boots/socks, gloves/mitts, and purses/pockets. All items must pass the “wearability” test – given a head, foot, or hand of the proper size, they should be able to be worn without a back-brace, strings from the ceiling, or a support Crew. If you ever had a wonderful design for such an accessory, but no particular idea of what costume it would go with – this is your chance! The winning designs will be published in the Future Fashion Folio. After the Folio is published, members of Costume-Con 17 will be able to reserve individual designs to be made by them and exhibited at the convention Only one maker may reserve each design.

The second category will be an apparel design contest, for full outfits in various categories – including, but not limited to: Sportswear, Officewear Evening, Bridal, Athletic Wear, Uniforms/Vestments, Outerwear, and Theatrical. Designs may be for men, women, children, aliens, or couples (triads, whatever) of any combination. Note that we are not looking for designs of aliens, but designs of clothing for aliens. You may design for characters taken from different media – a better outfit for Superman? New uniforms for the Klingons? Eveningwear for a 25th-century Hamlet and Ophelia? We are particularly encouraging – and will be judging for – designs which lend themselves to a wide range of choices in color, fabric, and/or surface decoration and trim; and designs which are wearable clothing of the future, not stage costumes or runway “concepts”. Your designs may include accessory pieces such as shoes, hats, hairstyles, etc., but the focus should be on an overall outfit, not individual pieces.

We have one special category for this contest, sponsored by Diane Kovalcin: Designs for exercise wear. Diane will be judging this category and awarding a $25 cash prize to the winner. We are open to suggestions from anyone else who wishes to sponsor additional special categories as well – updates will be published in CC17’s second progress report, or may be obtained by sending a self-addressed, stamped legal-sized envelope to the Future Fashion Contest director at the address below.

Designs in the second category will also be published in the Future Fashion Folio and made for the convention, but with a twist from previous years. No reservation is required for the designs and as many people as wish to may make up a single design, in whatever color/fabric/etc. they choose. We will request some notice that you are making a design so that we have some idea of how many people will be participating. Because we are changing the traditional format to allow for multiple makers or each design, we are anticipating publishing a much smaller number of designs than is usual for Future Fashion Folios, in hopes that with more than one person making each outfit, we will have a high overall participation at the convention.

Rules for the Future Fashion Folio Design Contests

1. Deadlines. Designs must be postmarked by August 31 [revised from 8/23], 1998, and arrive no later than September 7 [revised from 8/30], l998. You may enter as many designs as you wish, as often as you wish, before this deadline.

2. By submitting your designs to this contest, you agree to permit reproduction of the designs in the Future Fashion Folio, construction of the designs for the Dimensions in Design showcase or other exhibition at Costume-Con 17, photography and videotaping of these creations for sale by the official photographer and videographer of Costume-Con 17, and publication in a “Memory Book” should Costume-Con 17 produce such. All further rights revert to the designer after Costume-Con 17.

3. You do not have to be a member of Costume-Con 17 to enter this design contest, but you will have to be a member in order to participate in the making and exhibition of the designs at the convention. The Folio will be mailed to all members of Costume-Con 17.

4. All designs must be original ideas. You may draw your design yourself, or have someone else draw it for you (please give them credit). If drawing is not your strong point, please send a legal-sized, self-addressed, stamped envelope to the contest director at the address below and you will be sent some basic figures to work on. This is a contest for design ability, not drawing ability.

5. Please submit only photocopies of your designs, not original art! Entries should be in black mid white, on 81/2″ x 11″, white, unlined paper suitable for reproduction. Clean design lines are a plus for purposes of publication!

6. Please accompany each design with a title of some sort (from “Spring Business Suit” to “26th Century McDonald’s Uniforms” to “Martian Bridal Wear”), a choice of category (use one of ours or make up your own), and a brief description – 3 to 10 sentences is plenty – noting any special details or construction suggestions. For the accessory contest, this can also include color, fabric, and trim choices; for the apparel contest, we are deliberately seeking more “general” designs. Please do not write long essays; your designs should speak for themselves.

7. You may, but are not required to, submit additional sketches of details, back or side views, or (for the accessory contest only) a color sketch. You may also submit more extensive construction notes. These additions will be provided to anyone making your design for Costume-Con 17 but will not be part of the judging process.

8. If you would like your designs (which are not your original sketches, right?) returned to you, you must provide a self-addressed, stamped envelope, large enough and with enough postage to hold and mail your designs back. Note that if you provide a color sketch for the maker of an accessory design, that sketch will be sent to the maker and mayor may not get back to you, ever. Have we mentioned that you should not send your originals (or your only copy!) yet?

9. Please label your designs ON THE BACK, not the front, in the upper right hand corner of EACH design, with your full name and mailing address, the title of the design, and the category. Make sure this is on the back of EACH design submitted, not just on the first one, or on the envelope. On the front, with the sketch, please put the title of the design and category, but do NOT put your name on the front of the design! We hope it will be clear from your design whether you are entering the accessory contest or the apparel contest (for starters, accessory designers can draw just the accessory, not the entire figure), but if you are so creative that there is some possibility that we won’t be able to tell, please put which contest on the back of the design as well. Also, if you are designing for a particular character who may not be known to the judges (don’t assume they have read every book, seen every movie, or are familiar with every alien on Star Trek…) please give us some clue as to who the character is and what they are from. If it’s a visual source, a photocopy of their “usual” appearance would be a helpful addition, if available.

10. Designers in the accessory contest who wish to have first choice as maker of their own design(s) may so indicate by labeling such designs “RESERVED BY DESIGNER” on the back of each design.

Because any number of people may make the apparel contest winners, it is not necessary for the designer to reserve these designs. Accessory design reservations by non-designers will be accepted beginning after the publication of the Future Fashion Folio; details on this will be in the next progress report.

If you have any questions, please contact the Future Fashion Design Contest director at:

Susan de Guardiola
[Address and Email Removed]

Designs and requests for figures to draw on should also be submitted to this address. Please include a self-addressed, stamped envelope if you wish confirmation that your designs were received.

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