Costume-Con 17 (CC17): Doll Contest Gallery and Rules

Costume-Con 17 (CC17): Doll Contest Gallery and Rules

CC17-DC-05-06: 5. [Chinese Cloth] Doll (left) - Self Made. 6. Yuppie Biker Barbie (right) - Purchased

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CC17-DC-05-06: 5. [Chinese Cloth] Doll (left) - Self Made. 6. Yuppie Biker Barbie (right) - Purchased | Designer(s): 5. Sharon Whitney, 6. Pat Ritter | Maker(s): 5. Sharon Whitney, 6. Pat Ritter | Workmanship Award(s): Best Novice (Self-Made) - [Chinese Cloth] Doll (Photo ID: Betsy R. Marks | Event Date: 1999)

Competition Staff & Rules


  • Director: Beth Weiner
  • Doll Competition Judge(s): Unknown


We will be welcoming all types of dolls and stuffed animals in costume. Since our theme is revolution and our location is [the] Philadelphia [area] we will be having two special awards categories:

1. Liberty/Freedom: Entries depicting the attainment and/or celebration of the same.
2. Mummers: Entries celebrating the spirit of the Mummers, a Philadelphia tradition [Grown men in tons of glitz, glitter, and feathers who march on New Year’s Day – ed.]

The latter may be relatively unknown, so if you have any questions please contact:

Beth Weiner
Doll Contest Director

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