Costume-Con 16 (CC16): Future Fashion Folio Design Contest Gallery and Rules

Costume-Con 16 (CC16): Future Fashion Folio Design Contest Gallery and Rules

CC16-FS-05: Garden Party

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CC16-FS-05: Garden Party | Category: Future Fashion | Designer(s): Gypsy Ames | Maker(s): Solveig Pflueger‡ | Presenter(s): Solveig Pflueger‡ (Photo ID: Ken Warren #7-9 | Event Date: 1998)

Competition Staff & Rules


  • Future Fashion Folio: Karen Heim & Steve Swope
  • Future Fashion Show Director(s): Pierre E. Pettinger, Jr. & Sandy Pettinger
  • Master of Ceremonies: Unknown
  • Folio Judges: Unknown



Come join the St. Louis Costumers’ Guild in a celebration of fashion yet to come!

The St. Louis Costumers Guild, (a.k.a. the St. Louis Ubiquitous Tailoring Society), proudly sponsors Costume Con 16, the Future Fashion Folio, and its attendant Folio Fashion Show.

Want to join in the fun? Here are a few things you should know:

1. What IS a Future Fashion Folio? The Future Fashion Folio is basically a collection of designs of clothing from future, alien, fantasy, and SF-inspired realms. Contestants submit designs and descriptions, which are then judged. Accepted designs are published in the folio. Some of these may be selected by costumers to be and displayed in a Folio Fashion Show to be presented at CC16.

2. We take on all comers. Anyone, whether a member of CC 16 or not, may submit designs.

3. No rank in this file. For this Folio, there are no “places,” nor are there categories as such. Like belly buttons, designs are either “in” or “out.”

4. Accepted designs will be published. Selected entries will be printed in the CC16 Future Fashion Folio. You may also choose to present your own fashion design (or another entrant’s) at the CC16 Future Fashion Folio Fashion Show. (Try saying that three times fast….)

5. Good art is nice. Good design is nicer. Although artistic ability is always one element of judging, it is not the only element in this contest. We value the quality of the design, not necessarily the rendering.

6. Be original Be creative. Be off-the-wall! Any original design will be considered, whether for humans, aliens, media characters, pets, elves, gnomes, yaks, bats, or old gnus, etc. Design any outfit for anything or anyone{ However, exact reproductions of others’ designs, whether historical, ethnic, or media, are right out.

7. We want clothing designs! Our judges have a strong bias (in fact, an outright prejudice) in favor of designs that are practical, comfortable, believable clothing. Yeah, yeah, yeah…everybody says that. But we mean it. Really. This is a fashion design contest, not a masquerade on paper.
Now, if it’s practical clothing for humans, aliens, media characters, pets, elves, gnomes, yaks, bats, or old gnus, etc., that’s just fine.

8. Prizes! Although there are no categories as such, there are two sponsored awards, each with a $25.00 prize:

* Costume inspired by a filksong (a tape of the song, or at least the lyrics, must accompany the entry)

* Religious Vestments (not limited to Christian or even human religions)


1. All designs must be neat and original. (We’ve said that before; we know.) You may trace figures, if someone helps you draw the design, please indicate that. Send us a SASE if you want figure outlines to trace.

2. Draw each separate design in black ink on an 8.5″ x 11″ sheet of white paper. Details or back views may be on separate sheets as well. Send us your clean, legible copies only. KEEP YOUR ORIGINALS!

3. Color versions of designs may be submitted (in fact, we encourage it) ALONG WITH THE REQUIRED BLACK-AND-WHITE VERSIONS (If it gets in, we have to be able to print it).

4. On the back of each design sheet, please indicate the following:

a. Your name and address
b. Your age (if 12 or under)
c. Whether you are a first-time designer
d. The number of that design and total number of designs submitted (#1 of 8, #2 of 8, etc.), If your design has multiple pages, label them #2A of 8, #2B of 8, and so on.

5. For each entry, please include a title and written description. Descriptions may cover inspirational sources; cultural, clothing or character background; design details, suggested fabrics, colors, etc.; and any other relevant information. A great description may help an entry!

6. You, as the original designer, retain all rights to your CC16 Future Fashion Folio submissions; however, by submitting them to the CC16 Folio contest, you agree to their publication in the CC16 Fashion Folio, their exhibit at CC16, and their reproduction for the Fashion Show.

7. If you want your drawings returned, you must enclose a large enough envelope with sufficient postage. They will be mailed to you after the convention.

8. You have first right to construct your own designs for the Fashion Show; when you submit your entries, please tell us which ones you’ll execute (please bear in mind that the “one body, one costume rule still applies). We will mark those designs as “Reserved” in the Folio.

9. Provided that all submissions are POSTMARKED BY SEPTEMBER 1, 1997, you may submit any number of designs, as many times as yon wish. Furthermore, this deadline is cast in stone: inflexible and unmovable.

10. For Canadian submissions, please attach a customs declaration sticker, listing the contents as amateur drawings with no commercial value.

11. Designs may be submitted via e-mail (address below). We accept PICT, GIF, TIFF, or JPEG files. Be aware that color images will be printed in greyscale for judging purposes. Electronic submissions must satisfy the other general submission criteria (e.g., the name and physical mailing address of the entrant must. be included in the accompanying message).



Future Fashion Folio
(Address Removed)

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