Costume-Con 14 (CC14): Single Pattern Competition Gallery and Rules

Costume-Con 14 (CC14): Single Pattern Competition Gallery and Rules

CC14-SP-02b: Liquid Sunshine (T)

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CC14-SP-02b: Liquid Sunshine (T) | Category: Single Pattern | Designer(s): Katherine Jepson | Maker(s): Katherine Jepson | Presenter(s): Katherine Jepson (Photo ID: Ken Warren | Event Date: 1996)

Competition Staff & Rules


  • Director: Janet Wilson Anderson
  • Master of Ceremonies: Janet Wilson Anderson
  • Presentation Judges: Candace Kling, Robin Pavlosky*



The following rules apply to all CostumeCon 14 stage events, including the Science Fiction/Fantasy Masquerade, the Historical Masquerade, and the Future Fashion Show.

* Purchased or rented costumes may not be shown in any competition.

* Costumes previously worn in the hallways at this convention are ineligible for stage competition.

* Each entrant may appear only once on stage per event. You may enter more than one costume, providing each appears on a different body.

* No live creatures, other than human, will be allowed backstage or on stage, with the exception of aid dogs needed by the entrant.

* Surprise the audience, not the masquerade director (or staff). If you are planning something “unique,” let us know in advance.

* No messy substances – wet, dry, or oily-no glitter, talc, snow, or other powders, foods, liquids, or any other substances that might ruin the costume of any other entrant are to be thrown and/or left on stage. If you are using stage blood or wearing body paint or make-up, be sure it won’t come off in casual contact with others. Do not leave anything on the stage that a gopher can’t pick up on a few seconds.

* No fire, flash paper, explosions, or open flame of any type – No Exceptions. Electronic flashes and/or camera flashcubes are permitted in costumes as long as you warn us first.

* Costumes must be self-contained. Connections to electrical outlets will not be available.

* There will be no live microphones on the stage for contestants. Music and/or dialogue must be recorded on audio-cassettes or as typed copy (25 words or less) for the MC to read.

* This is a PG-13 rated convention-no flagrant nudity, please.

The masquerade/fashion show director has full authority to eliminate anyone from the competition on the basis of taste, danger to the audience or contestants, violation of the above rules, or any other reason deemed sufficient.

There is, of course, no smoking at any CostumeCon 14 event.


To enter:
Pick up an entry form from the box at Registration. Fill it in and leave it in the box marked “Single Pattern Contest Entry Forms Here.” If you have any questions, come find Janet Wilson Anderson at the AlterYears table in the Dealers Room. Deadline for entering the contest is 5:30 p.m. Saturday.


Please bring your garment(s) to the Green Room, in the Seattle Ballroom, at 9:30 am Sunday morning. The judges will look at them and evaluate your work. You may bring them flat or wear them as you choose. Please plan on staying around through the first section of the Fashion Show at 11:00, since we will be announcing the winners during the show.

The Show:

All garments are requested to be shown in the Fashion Show which starts at 11:00 a.m. Sunday. Ideally, the maker will model his/her entry. This is simple walk-down-the-ramp-and-turn-a-couple-of-times modeling – nothing fancy is required! The commentator will identify the garment, its maker, and anything interesting you’ve told us about it on your entry form (3000 hand-sewn appliques, made out of dryer lint, constructed in 10 minutes without thread, etc.)

If you cannot model your own garment (since you are in the fashion show, or broke your foot tripping over the cat, or any other decent excuse) please come by the dealer’s room by noon on Saturday and let Janet know, so she can dragoon a body for your garment. You may also dragoon your own model – just let us know by filling in the proper information on the entry form. All models should report by 10:00 am to the Green Room.

We do want all entries to be shown in the show and will announce the winners at the end of the modeling (assuming the judges have reached a conclusion as instructed.) Any questions or special things we should know, talk to Janet in the dealer’s room!

The Rules:

Contestants have selected one of two patterns from the Folkwear collection: the Tibetan Panel Coat (#118) or the Russian Cossack Uniform (#502). The finished garment must be recognizable as derived from the selected pattern. The garment may have modified, embellished, and ornamented, but it should be easily identifiable as coming from that pattern.

The pieces must be finished by the time they are judged on Saturday. The pieces may be judged on originality of concept, workmanship, use of textures and materials, creativity in embellishment and general aesthetics, as the judges choose. And, yes, humorous entries will be taken “seriously.”


We have secured pattern certificates from Folkwear, AlterYears gift certificates and copies of the brand new 1996/97 Whole Costumer’s Catalog. In addition, winners will receive award certificates to decorate the wall.

Miscellaneous Notes: Single Pattern Choices:

* T = Folkwear’s Tibetan Panel Coat (#118)
* R = Folkwear’s Cossack Uniform (#502)

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