Costume-Con 14 (CC14): Futuristic Design Competition/Threads of Time Fashion Show Gallery and Rules

Costume-Con 14 (CC14): Futuristic Design Competition/Threads of Time Fashion Show Gallery and Rules

CC14-FS-02a: Minbari Inspired Outfit

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CC14-FS-02a: Minbari Inspired Outfit | Category: Future Fashion | Designer(s): JoAnne Christy | Maker(s): Sandy Pettinger | Presenter(s): Sandy Pettinger | Workmanship Award(s): Excellence in Finishing and Detail | Presentation Award(s): Most Faithful to the Design/Non-Designer (Photo ID: R-Electronics Video | Event Date: 1996)

Competition Staff & Rules


  • Future Fashion Show Coordinators: JoAnne Kirley, Richard Stevens, Julie Zetterberg
  • Master of Ceremonies: Richard Stephens
  • Folio Judges: ?
  • Presentation Judge: JoAnne Kirley
  • Directors’ Assistant: Becky Ericksen
  • Stage Manager: Byron Campbell
  • Greenroom Director: Cat Devereaux*
  • Stage Ninja Master: Don Glover
  • Photographer: Thom Walls
  • Trophies made by JoAnne Kirley
  • Crash Crew Leader: Cat Devereaux*
  • Slide Coordinator: Mae Lynn Kingsley
  • House Manager: Julie Zetterberg

[note: Entries collected from video. Spelling errors are almost certainly going to happen. As always, please let us know of any corrections!]



The following rules apply to all CostumeCon 14 stage events, including the Science Fiction/Fantasy Masquerade, the Historical Masquerade, and the Future Fashion Show.

* Purchased or rented costumes may not be shown in any competition.

* Costumes previously worn in the hallways at this convention are ineligible for stage competition.

* Each entrant may appear only once on stage per event. You may enter more than one costume, providing each appears on a different body.

* No live creatures, other than human, will be allowed backstage or on stage, with the exception of aid dogs needed by the entrant.

* Surprise the audience, not the masquerade director (or staff). If you are planning something “unique,” let us know in advance.

* No messy substances – wet, dry, or oily-no glitter, talc, snow, or other powders, foods, liquids, or any other substances that might ruin the costume of any other entrant are to be thrown and/or left on stage. If you are using stage blood or wearing body paint or make-up, be sure it won’t come off in casual contact with others. Do not leave anything on the stage that a gopher can’t pick up on a few seconds.

* No fire, flash paper, explosions, or open flame of any type – No Exceptions. Electronic flashes and/or camera flashcubes are permitted in costumes as long as you warn us first.

* Costumes must be self-contained. Connections to electrical outlets will not be available.

* There will be no live microphones on the stage for contestants. Music and/or dialogue must be recorded on audio-cassettes or as typed copy (25 words or less) for the MC to read.

* This is a PG-13 rated convention-no flagrant nudity, please.

The masquerade/fashion show director has full authority to eliminate anyone from the competition on the basis of taste, danger to the audience or contestants, violation of the above rules, or any other reason deemed sufficient.

There is, of course, no smoking at any CostumeCon 14 event.


The Event

One of the events for CostumeCon 14 was long over before you arrived in Seattle: the Futuristic Design Competition. Members of the convention received a Folio of the winning designs, and the Threads of Time Fashion Show is our celebration of the winners. Some of the designs have been constructed, either by their designers or by other eager costumers. Come to the Washington Ballroom at 11 a.m. on Sunday to see them presented on stage.


Those of you who have constructed designs from the Folio, please confirm your attendance and the status of your garment, by filling out a Fashion Show form from Registration and returning it by 6 p.m. Saturday.

Come to the Washington Ballroom on Sunday morning at 8.’00 a.m. for a brief run-through of the show. At 10 a.m. make your way to the Green Room in the Seattle Ballroom to get ready to go onstage.

The “Rename The Future Fashion Show” Contest

The concept of the Future Fashion Show pre-dates the first Costume Con as a parade of “futuristic” fashions at certain science fiction conventions. As it has evolved at each succeeding Costume Con, the entries to the “Futuristic Design Competition” have been (in spite of the name) frequently less-than-futuristic. Also, this year the Fashion Show will showcase the entries in the Single Pattern Competition. In order to reflect the changing character of this event, the coordinators decided to change the name. We solicited our members for ideas.

Thanks to those who entered the “Rename the Future Fashion Show” contest. Congratulations to Ronita Williams, who suggested the winning entry: “Threads of Time.” Our second place entry was Michael Cowan, who suggested “Fresh Visions.” Extra special thanks to Kevin Roche, who gently reminded us that Costume Con 12 had also renamed the Fashion Show, and offered “Dimensions in Design” as a title to be used again.

We appreciate all the great suggestions, and we’re glad we don’t have to use our best idea: (icon image not included) (The Event Formerly Known As The Future Fashion Show)

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