Costume-Con 13 (CC13): Science Fiction & Fantasy Masquerade Gallery and Rules

Costume-Con 13 (CC13): Science Fiction & Fantasy Masquerade Gallery and Rules

CC13-SF-22: Princess Bride

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CC13-SF-22: Princess Bride | Division: Journeyman | Category: Media Interpretation | Designer(s): Laurie KaSarr Browne and Krikor Ajemian | Maker(s): Laurie KaSarr Browne and Krikor Ajemian | Presenter(s): Laurie KaSarr Browne and Krikor Ajemian (Photo ID: John Upton 95-N18-21A | Event Date: 1995)

Competition Staff & Rules


  • Director: Jacqueline M. Ward
  • Master of Ceremonies: Gordon Rose
  • Workmanship Judges: Karen Schnaubelt and Ricky Dick
  • Presentation Judges: Janet Wilson Anderson, Toni Lay*, Penny Lipman
  • Judge’s Clerk: ?



1. No fire, flash paper, explosions or open flame of any type – No Exceptions. Electronic flashes and or camera flashcubes are permitted in costumes as long as you warn us first so video cameras won’t get burnt out.

2. Purchased or rented costumes may not be shown in competition.

3. Costumes previously worn in the hallways at this convention are ineligible for competition. We will be recognizing hall costumes separately.

4. No mess substances, wet, dry, oily, glitter, talc or other powders, foods, liquids or any other substances that might ruin the costume of any other entrant are to be thrown and or left on stage. If you are doing body paint or make-up, be sure it won’t come off in casual contact with others. Do not leave anything on the stage that a gopher can’t pick up in a few seconds.

5. No live creatures, other than human, will be allowed backstage or on stage. If your costume requires fauna such as snails, ferrets, etc, they must be stuffed or simulated. The exception to this is a seeing-eye or hearing-ear dog needed by an entrant.

6. Each entrant may appear only once on stage. You may enter more than one costume, providing it appears on another body.

7. There will be no live microphones on the stage for contestants. Music and or dialogue must be recorded on audio-cassettes or as typed copy for the MC to read. There will be more information on audio-cassettes in future PR’s.

8. This is a PG-13 rated masquerade; please, no flagrant nudity – No costume is no costume!

9. Costumes with electric power requirements must be self-contained. Connections to electrical outlets will not be available.

10. Surprise the audience, not the masquerade director (or staff), ff you are planning something ‘unique’, let us know in advance.

11. The masquerade director(s) have full authority to eliminate anyone from the competition on the basis of taste, danger to the audience or contestants, violation of the above rules, or any other reason deemed sufficient. There will be no appeal. (We haven’t had to use this rule yet, but it’s included for everyone’s safety and peace of mind.)

(Thank you to masquerade directors past and present, from whose rules I have copiously copied! Jacqueline Ward)


The Science Fiction/Fantasy Masquerade will be held on Saturday night at 8:00 P.M.

Judging: There are two separate competitions; presentation and workmanship. Each has its own judges and awards and both will be run on the skills division system. The skills levels are as follows:

Young Fan – any contestant aged 12 or younger who is not part of an adult group. For awards, entries will be divided into two categories: self-made and adult made.

Novice – Any adult contestant who has never won a major award in International Level masquerade competition. (For purposes of these definitions, “major award” is define as any award other than “Honourable Mention” or “Honoured for Excellence”; “International Level” is defined as Worldcon or CostumeCon.)

Journeyman – Any adult contestant who has won at least one but less than three major awards in International Level masquerade competition.

Master – Any adult contestant who has won three or more major awards in International Level masquerade competitions, or an adult contestant who has won a major award in the “Master Division” at an International Level masquerade competition. A professional costumer (one who earns half or more of his/her income in the costume/clothing field) must compete in this division. The Master division is an open one: anyone who chooses may compete in this division.

Costumers may compete at a higher skill level if they wish to do so, but may not elect to compete at a lower skill level. A group should enter at the skill division of the most highly placed member who contributed significantly to the costumes. If you are uncertain as to which division to enter, either singly or in a group, please contact the Masquerade Director.

Entries with up to 4 individuals will be limited to a maximum of 60 seconds on stage. Entries with 5 or more individuals will be allowed up to 90 seconds on stage. Any group that feels additional time is necessary should discuss it with the Masquerade Director *before* the convention.

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