Costume-Con 12 (CC12): Dimensions in Design Showcase Galleries and Rules

Costume-Con 12 (CC12): Dimensions in Design Showcase Galleries and Rules

CC12-DD-1-SP-00b: Folkwear Studio's Hungarian Tsur (model)

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CC12-DD-1-SP-00b: Folkwear Studio's Hungarian Tsur (model) | Category: Single Pattern | Designer(s): Unknown | Maker(s): Unknown | Presenter(s): Susan de Guardiola (Photo ID: David Bickford | Event Date: 1994)

CC12-DD-2-00-WA: Textures of the Universe

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CC12-DD-2-00-WA: Textures of the Universe | Category: Wearable Art | Designer(s): Bobby Gear‡ | Maker(s): Bobby Gear‡ | Presenter(s): Bobby Gear‡ (Photo ID: David Bickford | Event Date: 1994)

Competition Staff & Rules


  • Future Fashion Folio Director: Aimee Hartlove
  • Dimensions in Design Show Director: Kevin Roche
  • Single Pattern Competition Director: Kevin Roche
  • Art-to-Wear and Fabric Design Coordinator: Jane Keeler
  • Master of Ceremonies: Candace Kling
  • Folio Judges: ?
  • Presentation Judges: ?

Dimensions in Design was a runway show comprising four elements:

  • Future Fashion Show: Entries made from designs in the Future Fashion Folio.
  • Single Pattern Contest: Entries.
  • Wearable Art: Ensembles chosen by a jury from photos submitted.
  • Fabric Design: Entries represented by large card reproductions of the submitted designs.

For ease of display, the rules for all four events appear below. This entry is tagged with the appropriate categories and will appear in searches as appropriate.


Future Fashion Design Competition/Show

The Costume Con 12 Future Fashion Folio will put the emphasis on APPAREL, not merely costume. The Categories will include (but are not limited to):

-Heavy Worlders-

It will also include the following Special Categories:

• Design Macabre • • At the Ball • • Hats! •

Awards will be given in all categories (1st, 2nd, 3rd place, if applicable) in addition to the prizes donated for the Special Categories. All winning entries are published in the Future Fashion Folio, which will be mailed to all CC12 members in early October. You DO NOT need to be a member to enter! (See rules that follow).

Please bear in mind that the competition is for CLOTHING. When designing for the different categories, we’d like to challenge you to create designs more along the lines of what really might be worn in the future, not just a more ‘theatrical” approach (that’s why we gave theatre its own category). Don’t forget about accessories; hats, shoes, purses – anything a being might wear. Naturally you may (and we hope you shall) design for aliens, but it must be clothing for aliens, not merely the aliens themselves. For example, Kzinti mourning wear… HeeChee spacesuits… Vogon bridals…

Note: For those of you new to Costume Cons, the Future Fashion Folio is a competition that takes place before the start of the convention. Everyone is invited to submit designs of future fashion wear to the Folio director (Aimee Hartlove) before the deadline in September. All the designs are reviewed and examined by a panel of judges. The winning designs are selected and put together in a booklet form which is then sent out to everyone who has bought a Costume Con membership. People then “reserve” the design they would like to make by contacting the Folio director. Working with the Sunday “Dimensions In Design Showcase” director (Kevin Roche), you can model the design yourself, make it for a friend, or ask Kevin to find a model to wear it for you.

Rules for the Future Fashion Design Competition

1. All designs must be ORIGINAL IDEAS. You may draw your design on a traced figure or have someone else draw it. If someone other than yourself draws your design, please give them credit.

2. Artistic skill is not essential, but ideas are. If drawing isn’t your strength, send a LSASE to Aimee’s address and you’ll be sent some figure outlines to draw over.

3. Your name and address must be clearly marked on the upper right corner of the BACK of EACH submitted design (NOT just on the envelope or on one design). Also put the CATEGORY you are designing for. All designs should be on white, unlined, 8-1/2x 1 l” paper.

4. Number each entry in the upper left corner of the BACK of your design. Include the total number of entries in that mailing. Example: if you submit 5 designs, they will be numbered #1 of 5, #2 of 5, and so forth.

5. Back views, a description of your design, fabric preference or colors, construction details, or anything else you think will be helpful should be submitted on a separate piece of paper. In fact, we strongly encourage this–it gives you credit for your hard work and helps the person who might make your design understand better what you had in mind! If you are inspired by a particular media, please identify it. Entitling your entry would also be nice. (Examples of past titles: “Coalfire Formal”, “Bride of the Handmaiden of Death”.)

6. You may, and we encourage you to, submit your designs in color. However, we must have a black and white copy of your design for reproduction in the Fashion Folio. Please make sure your black and white drawing is clean and will reproduce well.

7. All submitted designs should be photocopies or any other dear, non-smudging reproduction. Please DO NOT send us original art. Please be neat! Make your design lines clean and dear.

8. Please specify the categories for your design. This allows us to judge your design against others for the same category. We encourage you to use our designated categories or, if you have your own category name, please state it. If no category is specified, we will choose the most appropriate. This is especially important if you are designing for one of our Special Categories, (see #9)–we may not know unless you tell us!!

9. Besides the stated categories we have proposed (and those you may choose to name yourselves), there will be the following Special Categories:

Design Macabre: in conjunction with the theme of our Exhibit Room*, there will be a special award for the best design(s) in this category that reflect the “themes of death, magic and the macabre in costume, clothing and accessories.” (*This year, the Exhibit Room will have a theme ‘”Beautiful Darkness: Themes of Death, Magic and the Macabre in Costume, Clothing and Accessories.”)

At The Ball: Kevin Roche, our own “Flashy Dancer,” will be sponsoring an award for those designs meant to be worn to a ball – something one can sit in, stand in, eat in, and, most importantly, trip the light fantastic in! Your ball-goers don’t necessarily need to be human (Kevin is threatening to design a gown for the floating beachball alien from “Dark Star”), but your designs should combine elegance and practicality.

Hats!: Hats seem to go in and out of style, but you can bet they’ll always be here–in one form or another. From one galaxy to another beings will adorn themselves with some kind of chapeau and we’d like to reward you for your best efforts.

Cash awards will be given to one entry from each of these categories, along with possible other awards we will announce in future PRs.

10. We will accept entries postmarked up to our September 11,1993 deadline. Enter as many designs as you wish and as often as you wish during this period.

11. We will accept reservations for entries beginning ten days after the Folio is postmarked. Designers, of course, get first dibs on their own designs and may indicate at time of design entry that they are reserving their own design. If we receive reservations for the same design, the postmark is the determining factor.

12. Designs made up from the Future Fashion Folio will be modeled on Sunday afternoon as part of the “Dimensions in Design Showcase”, which will be directed by Kevin Roche. If you have any questions about the show, please write to Kevin c/o the CC12 address.

13. You do not have to be a member of Costume Con 12 to enter this Design Contest. This contest is open to any interested person.

14. If you would like your designs returned to you, YOU MUST INCLUDE a Self Addressed Stamped Envelope large enough to hold your designs. Postage must be sufficient to cover your materials.

15. By submitting your designs to Costume Con 12, you agree to permit reproduction of the designs in the Fashion Folio, construction of the designs for the “Dimensions In Design Showcase”, and photography and videotaping of the finished pieces for non-commercial use. All rights to the designs revert to the designer after Costume Con 12.

Deadline: September 11, 1993

Please direct all inquiries and send your designs to:

Fashions of the Future
c/o Aimee Hartlove, Folio Director
[Address Removed]

Single Pattern Contest

The single pattern contest is something new. We’ve picked two patterns for the contest from the Folkwear catalog. Contestants build these garments, embellishing as they please. On Saturday, February 12, a panel of judges will view all the finished pieces to select the winner(s). On Sunday, the award(s) will be presented (the publishers of Folkwear are providing the prizes!) and all the entries featured as part of the “Dimensions in Design Showcase.” Kevin expects this competition to be both fun and exciting; if you have stayed away from doing future fashion or wearable art because you balk at drafting patterns, this may be the contest for you! Here are some preliminary guidelines:

* Garment must be recognizable as that in the specified pattern. You may modify, embellish, and ornament the garment in any way you wish, but it should retain its fundamental shape and form. We have chosen the following patterns:

#501: Algerian Suit (from the Metropolitan Museum of Art’s collection); includes men’s and women’s jacket, vest and trousers (you need not make all the pieces for your entry).

#150: Hungarian Szür (full length coat worn over shoulders as a cape); includes sizes for men and women.

* Pieces should be completed (minor finishing work excepted) when viewed on Saturday. (This means the submission deadline is the day of judging!)
* Pieces will be judged on originality, aesthetics, and workmanship.

While registration is not required, it will make the director (Kevin) much happier if you would drop him a line stating your intention to enter a piece. This will give him an idea of how much time and space to allot for judging. Send inquiries to the attention of: Director, Single Pattern Contest, (Address Removed).

Deadline: Saturday morning, February 12, 1994 (Judging day).


We will be including a juried exhibition of wearable art on live models. By “juried exhibition” I mean that if the judges like it, it’s in the show! If you have a work in progress or a finished piece you would like to showcase on a live model, this category is for you. Both professional and amateur wearable artists are encouraged to submit work. Please send inquiries and submissions marked attention: CC12 Art-to-Wear, c/o Jana Keeler, (Address Removed). Submissions should visually document the piece as thoroughly as possible (photos are best: include a SASE for their return), PLEASE do not send the actual piece!

Deadline: December 31, 1993

Fabric Design

Koret of California, a San Francisco-based women’s apparel company, is the sponsor of this competition. Ms. Jeanine Wilson, Art Director for Koret, will be judging all entries prior to the convention. The winner, or winners will be notified by mall. Winning entries and other designs of note, will be displayed at the “Dimensions in Design Showcase” on Sunday afternoon. Koret present the winner or winners with a certificate and/or prize. CC12 hopes to sponsor a cash award as well. Although Koret of California cannot commit to producing winning designs into actual fabric in their line, they may consider an outstanding winner.


1. You do not have to be a member of the convention to enter.

2. You may submit up to 10 designs. All submissions should be mounted (or created) on white Bristol board. The size should be 23″ x 29″. Leave at least a 2″ border of white around the entire design.

3. Stay within a 12 color range (you may use as many colors as you wish, just don’t use more than 12). Include 1″ square tabs of the colors used in your design on the bottom left portion of your board (this is where the 2″ white border around your design will come in handy!).

4. Include your name, address, city, state, zip and phone number on the back bottom right hand corner of each submission. This is very important!

Some suggested categories are (but are not limited to): sportswear, career dressing, and casual.

5. All entries must be sent to Jana Keeler, (Address Removed). If you wish to have your designs returned to you MUST include sufficient postage/shipping and a return address label. Designs will not be returned without sufficient postage!

Deadline: Dec 1, 1993

Combined Event Announcement

Please join us Sunday afternoon, February 13, 1994, at Costume Con 12, for a live showcase of the results of several different competitions, including but not limited to works from the Future Fashion Folio (a Costume Con tradition) and an exhibition of juried Art-to-Wear. If you have any further questions you can contact each competition’s director or Kevin Roche at, Costume Con 12, [Address Removed]

Costume Con 12 is the annual convention dedicated to costuming of all types, with demonstrations, workshops, socials, masquerades, and much, much more. It will be held President’s Day Weekend, February 18-21,1994, at the Santa Clara Marriott Hotel, Santa Clara, CA (40 minutes south of San Francisco).

The enclosed CC12 flyer has more information about ALL the wonderful events mentioned above, along with a coupon that you can use to get your membership. Please send in your membership right away–we’d love to see you in the San Francisco Bay Area in February.

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