Costume-Con 10 (CC10): Science Fiction & Fantasy Masquerade Gallery and Rules

Costume-Con 10 (CC10): Science Fiction & Fantasy Masquerade Gallery and Rules

CC10-SF-17: Troi and Riker: Screw Up on the Beam-down

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CC10-SF-17: Troi and Riker: Screw Up on the Beam-down | Division: Novice | Category: Original | Designer(s): Arlen Feldman | Maker(s): Arlen Feldman. Foley by Arlen Feldman, Marian O'Brien Clarke, Jonathan Frakes | Presenter(s): Arlen Feldman | Presentation Award(s): Best Couple Novice (Photo ID: Greg Bradt | Event Date: 1992)

Competition Staff & Rules


  • Directors: Byron Connell & Tina Connell
  • Master of Ceremonies: John Trimble
  • Workmanship Judges: Pat Kennedy*
  • Presentation Judges: Julie Zetterberg (Sardo), Stephen Clark, Animal X


Rules were in the missing Progress Reports. If you have a copy, contact the Costume-Con Archivist!

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