Costume-Con 10 (CC10): Historical Masquerade Gallery and Rules

Costume-Con 10 (CC10): Historical Masquerade Gallery and Rules

CC10-H-06a: Pretty As A Picture (Harper's Bazaar, 1876)

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CC10-H-06a: Pretty As A Picture (Harper's Bazaar, 1876) | Division: Master | Category: Hist. Reproduction | Designer(s): Animal X | Maker(s): Animal X | Presenter(s): Animal X | Presentation Award(s): Best in Class Historic Dress Master (Photo ID: Greg Bradt | Event Date: 1992)

Competition Staff & Rules


  • Director: Deborah K. Jones
  • Master of Ceremonies: Janet Wilson Anderson
  • Presentation Judges: Diane Kovalcin, Rob Himmelsbach, Carol Salemi


Rules were in the missing Progress Reports. If you have a copy, please contact the Costume-Con Archivist!

Miscellaneous Notes: This masquerade had two categories: Historical Costume and Historical Dress. They correspond to the terms Historical Interpretation and Historical Reproduction, which is how, for simplicity’s sake, entries have been categorized in the album.

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