Costume-Con 9 (CC09): Science Fiction & Fantasy Masquerade Gallery and Rules

Costume-Con 9 (CC09): Science Fiction & Fantasy Masquerade Gallery and Rules

CC09-SF-01b: Claudia the Vampire Child

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CC09-SF-01b: Claudia the Vampire Child | Division: Young Fan/Junior | Category: Original | Designer(s): Rebecca Taylor | Maker(s): Rebecca Taylor | Presenter(s): Sarah Taylor | Presentation Award(s): Best Fantasy Junior (Photo ID: Conventional Magic | Event Date: 1991)

Competition Staff & Rules


  • Director: Pam Osborne‡
  • Master of Ceremonies: Marty Gear‡
  • Workmanship Judges: Adrian Butterfield‡, Kelly Turner‡
  • Presentation Judges: Gary Anderson‡, Patti Gill‡, Victoria Ridenour


This is the competition for costumes based on fantasy, mythology, science fact or science fiction, future worlds and imaginary pasts. The Masquerade will be held on Saturday night. Registration will be at the Con, and forms may be picked up at and returned to the Masquerade Registration desk until 4:00 pm on Saturday. More detailed information on registration will be given in PR#2.

The Division System will be used, with the following definitions:

YOUNG FAN: Anyone who is less than 13 years old at the time of the convention. For awards, entries will be divided into two categories – those made by the contestants, and those made by adults.

NOVICE: Anyone who has won fewer than 3 awards for different costumes in the Novice Division in Science Fiction/Fantasy Masquerades at regional conventions, the World Science Fiction Convention, or at Costume-Cons.

JOURNEYMAN: Anyone who has won fewer than 3 awards for different costumes in the Journeyman Division in Science Fiction/Fantasy Masquerades at regional conventions, the World Science Fiction Convention, or at Costume-Cons; anyone who has won three times for different costumes at the Novice level at any of the above-named conventions.

MASTER: Anyone who has won three or more awards for different costumes in the Journeyman Division in Science Fiction/Fantasy Masquerades at regional conventions, the World Science Fiction Convention, or at Costume-Cons; anyone who has ever won as a Master at Worldcon or Costume-Con. Professionals (those making a significant income as costumers) are encouraged to enter as Masters.

Note: Any contestant may compete at a skill division higher than the one that they qualify for. The division for group entries will be determined by the group’s most skilled member. The purpose of the divisions is not to protect anyone’s status, but to recognize different experience levels.

Re-Creation costumes should be entered within the appropriate skill division, but denoted on the registration form as a Re-Creation costume. (Re-Creation costumes are those taken from any source in which one or more views of the costumes have previously been shown. Such sources include book covers, paintings, movies, television, stage plays, comic strips/books and graphic novels. Costumes which are described in text but not otherwise illustrated would not be entered in Re-Creation). Documentation (i.e., book covers, photographs or slides from motion pictures, etc.) for Re-Creation costumes must be included with the Masquerade registration. Please don’t assume the judges are as familiar with your favorite show as you are!

If you are at all unsure of your skill level, or whether or not your costume should be classified as a Re-Creation, check with the SF and F Masquerade Director.

Two types of awards will be given: a) Workmanship, which is an optional category and is done up-close and beforehand in the Green Room. This is where finally crafted work and exquisite detail can shine; b) Presentation, for which every costume is eligible, is based both on the costume itself and how well it is displayed onstage.

Entries with up to 4 individuals will be limited to a maximum of 60 seconds on stage. Entries with 5 or more individuals will be allowed up to 90 seconds on stage. Any group that feels that a longer time limit is necessary for their presentation may discuss it with me before the convention.

Live microphones for the contestants’ use will not be available. Introductions and narrations may be printed clearly on the masquerade registration form for the MC to read. There will also be facilities to play standard cassette tapes with music and/or introductions.

If nudity is absolutely necessary for your costume, please keep it covered when off stage.

As usual, NO FLASH PHOTOGRAPHY will be allowed during the masquerade. There will be a photo area available for photographers to use a flash and more information on photography and videotaping in PR#2.

Each contestant may appear once, and only once, during the competition.

The weapons policy of the convention will be strictly adhered to. Weapons may only be displayed while on stage, and must be safely covered when off stage. No projectile weapon may be loaded with ammunition, armed, or aimed at any person at any time. No open flame or flash paper/powder may be used in a presentation. If any contestant is unsure whether a hazardous substance or practice is allowed on stage, write to me for further clarification.

The Masquerade Director and staff may disqualify any contestant from competition for danger to the audience or other contestants, or for other reasons to protect CC9.

There will be people backstage to assist contestants on and off stage (lifting heavy props and/or costumes is NOT assisting). If you have any additional requirements please write to me first, so we can try to work out some accommodation.

If anyone has questions about the CC9 Science Fiction and Fantasy Masquerade, please write me for further clarification at the Costume Con 9 address.

Pam Osborne‡
S-F & F Masquerade Director

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