Costume-Con 9 (CC09): Future Fashion Design Gallery and Competition Rules

Costume-Con 9 (CC09): Future Fashion Design Gallery and Competition Rules

CC09-FS-02: Levitation Suit

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CC09-FS-02: Levitation Suit | Category: Future Fashion | Designer(s): Carolyn Kayta Martz‡ | Maker(s): Carolyn Kayta Martz‡ | Presenter(s): Bruce Martz (Photo ID: John Upton | Event Date: 1991)

Competition Staff & Rules


  • Future Fashion Design Competition and Folio: Kathryn Mayer (Mix)
  • Futuristic Fashion Show Director: Ricky Dick
  • Master of Ceremonies: Ricky Dick
  • Workmanship Judges: Pat Hammer (Alanna Whitestar), Bobby Gear*
  • Presentation Judges: (Folio): ?


CC 9 invites you to enter the Future Fashion Design Contest! What do you think we will be wearing from the 1990’s on? What do you think humans (or aliens) will wear to work in, play in, or party in? Send us your ideas! Anything .goes, for any clothing category you can imagine. Some suggested ideas: bridal wear, leisure wear, work clothes, party clothes, ceremonial garb, theatrical costumes, sporting clothes, evening wear, uniforms, dance wear, and any and all accessories (shoes, hats, jewelry, portable phones, etc.).


Would you like to see a favorite Science Fiction, Fantasy, or movie character in a costume of your own design? Now is your chance! Choose your movie, and send us your original ideas (a new uniform for Flash Gordon, a different barbecue dress for Scarlett O’Hara, something for Princess Leia that isn’t white?). Along with your design please include the following: Movie title; Name of character for whom you are designing; the year the film was made; and the name of the movie studio (if known).

All winning designs in all categories will be published in the CC 9 Future Fashion Folio, which will be sent to all members of the convention and all designers.

You do not need to be a member of CC 9 to enter the design contest.

Send all submissions to:

CC 9 Future Fashion Folio
[Address Removed]

DEADLINE FOR ENTRIES: All submissions must be POSTMARKED by AUGUST 31, 1990.



1. All designs must be ORIGINAL ideas. You may draw your design on a traced figure but the design itself must be original. If you have someone help you draw the design, please give credit. If you need figure outlines to trace, please send a S.A.S.E. to the above address and we’ll be happy to supply some. Artistic skill is not required, but ideas are! Please be neat.

2. Each design must be submitted in black ink on an 8 1/2 x 11 sheet of white paper. Details or back views may be on separate sheets. Please do not send originals – clear, clean photocopies are just fine.

3. Color versions of your designs are appreciated but not required. Please note, however that this year we would like to display the color drawings of the winning designs (hint, hint…).

4. On the back of EACH design please include : Your name and address, the number of that design and total number of designs submitted (#1 of 5, #2 of 5, etc.), and the category you are entering that design in. If you do not indicate a category we will choose one for you. We reserve the right for the judges to change the category of a design as they see fit.

5. Please include a title/written description for each entry, indicating design details, fabrics, colors, etc. (in other words, what details do you especially want people to know about?).

6.Clearly mark on the back of the design your entries for the Special Movie Category. Remember, these must be ORIGINAL designs. Anything judged to be a recreation or a copy will be disqualified.

7. All rights to designs submitted to this contest remain the property of the designer, but by submitting them, you agree to their publication in the Future Fashion Folio, their exhibit at CC 9, and reproduction for the Fashion Show.

8. Designers wishing to have their drawings returned please enclose a S.A.S.E. with sufficient postage. They will be mailed to you after the convention.

9. Designers have first option on making up their designs for the Fashion Show. If you have a preference, please let us know when you submit your entries. These reservations WILL be honored!

10. This contest is open to all interested parties. You do not need to be a member of CC 9 to enter designs or be published in the Folio. You must, however, be a member to attend or participate in the Future Fashion Show.

11. You may enter as many designs as you wish, and as many times as you wish, but all submissions must be POSTMARKED by AUGUST 31, 1990.

Kathryn Mayer (Mix)
Future Fashion Design Contest

Future Fashion Show

Winning designs from the Folio will be shown at the Future Fashion Show. All members of the convention are eligible to be in the show.

You can model a design yourself or make one for a friend to wear (or both!), but please, only one costume per person in the show.
Color drawings of winning designs will be on display in the exhibit room throughout the convention.

TO RESERVE A DESIGN: Please send a letter to Kathryn Mayer at the Folio address. Please list 3 choices of designs you wish to make (in case your 1st choice is taken). We will then send you a letter with all information available, to assist you in the making of the folio costume you reserved.


In order to provide everyone with an equal opportunity to reserve a design for the fashion show, we have borrowed a technique used by many conventions for reserving space in their dealers room.

We will not accept any reservations postmarked prior to the date stamped on the cover of the folio. This date will be 30 days from the date on which we mail the Folios.

The Fashion Show will be written by Ricky Dick and Kathryn Mayer (Mix), MC’d by Ricky Dick, and our Greenroom will be run by Byron Connell. Please volunteer to help out backstage!!

Kathryn Mayer (Mix) & Ricky Dick
Future Fashion Show

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