Costume-Con 8 (CC08): Themed Hall Costume Competition Rules

Costume-Con 8 (CC08): Themed Hall Costume Competition Rules

CC08-HW-03b: The Chara Heroine (Robin Hood of El Dorado)

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CC08-HW-03b: The Chara Heroine (Robin Hood of El Dorado) | Category: Other | Designer(s): Elizabeth Pidgeon-Ontis | Maker(s): Elizabeth Pidgeon-Ontis | Presenter(s): Elizabeth Pidgeon-Ontis (Photo ID: 3D Video | Event Date: 1990)

Competition Staff & Rules


  • Director: Leslie Johnston Payatt
  • Master of Ceremonies: Marty Gear*
  • Presentation Judges: May Routh, Jacqueline Saint Anne, Dianne Dawe, Kathy (Bushman) Sanders



The Salute to Hollywood! competition will consist of informal modeling in the hotel garden gazebo on Saturday afternoon. This is not a presentation competition – it is a specialized hall costume competition for costumes recreated from films. This does not mean you can’t wear your Hollywood costumes in the halls as well, but that we’d like to take the opportunity of a Southern California convention to give special recognition to this particular genre of costuming. Documentation is not required, and there are not restrictions on period or genre of film. Television recreations are not appropriate. There will be on-the-spot judging, and both award buttons and certificates will be presented. As already mentioned for the general Hall costume winners, Salute to Hollywood! winners will be given tokens for preferential seating at the F & SF Masquerade and will be able to show their costumes on stage at halftime. Official CC8 photos will be taken of the Hollywood winners.

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