Costume-Con 8 (CC08): Future Fashion Design Contest Rules

Costume-Con 8 (CC08): Future Fashion Design Contest Rules

CC08-FS-48a: Auntie Morgantha's Court Gown

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CC08-FS-48a: Auntie Morgantha's Court Gown | Category: Future Fashion | Designer(s): JoAnne Kirley | Maker(s): JoAnne Kirley | Presenter(s): JoAnne Kirley | Workmanship Award(s): Soft Sculpture Headdress (Photo ID: Steve Jacobson | Event Date: 1990)

Competition Staff & Rules


  • Future Fashion Design Contest and Folio: Fran Evans
  • Futuristic Fashion Show Director: Joyce Best
  • Master of Ceremonies: Janet Wilson Anderson, Pat Kennedy*
  • Workmanship Judges:
    • Workmanship: Tina Connell
    • Accuracy: Fran Evans
  • Presentation Judges: (Folio): Janet Wilson Anderson, Joyce Best, Kelly Turner*, Elizabeth Martin



What kind of clothing will be worn in the future?

How will men, women, children and other beings dress? What will they wear for work, play, sport, festivals, fancy dress, ceremonial or religious occasions? The Future Fashion Design Contest is your chance to design the look of the future.

All winning entries will be published in the CC8 Future Fashion Folio. And they may be constructed for the Future Fashion Show.

Cash prizes will be given for winning designs in four categories: Heavyworlders, Star Trek Duty uniforms, Star Trek Dress Uniforms and Counterculture.

Costume Con 8

1. All designs must be ORIGINAL IDEAS. You may draw your design on a traced figure but the design itself must be original. If someone else helped with the design, please give them credit.

2. Each design must be submitted on an individual 8 ½” x ll” sheet of WHITE background paper. Details may be submitted on separate sheets.

3. On the back of EACH design sheet, put:
a. your name and address (clearly and legibly). DO NOT PUT YOUR NAME OR INITIALS ON THE FRONT OF THE DESIGN!
b. The number of that design and the total number of designs submitted (#1of 6, #2of 6, etc.) in file upper righthand corner.
c. The category of the design. This will let us judge your design against other designs for the same clothing. If you do not indicate the category, we will put it where we think it belongs! Some suggested categories: Daywear, playclothes, uniforms, at-home wear, bridal, ceremonial, theatrical, entertainer, religious, evening wear, space garb, work clothes, sporting wear, dancewear and anything else you can dream up! You may also design accessories, headgear, shoes, purses – anything that a being might wear. You may design for men, women, children, aliens, pets, even robots.

4. It is helpful if you include a title/description for your garment indicating design details, fabrics, colors etc.

5. All submissions must be in black and white and should be clear, non-smudging reproductions or Xerox copies. Please DO NOT SEND original art. The clearer your submission, the better it will reproduce for the Folio. NEATNESS COUNTS!

6. You may, and we encourage you to do so, send a color version of your design along with the b/w. But the b/w is a must. Mark the color version the same as the b/w, except number it “Copy #1 of 6”, “Copy #2 of 6”, etc.

7. Artistic skill is not essential, but ideas are. If drawing isn’t your strength, send a SASE to the design address and we will send you some figure outlines to draw over.

8. Designs for the four cash prizes should be clearly labelled on the back as candidates for the specific prize desired.

9. HEAVYWORLDERS PRIZE: Designs for heavy gravity body types – generally stocky, solidly built, and more muscular/zaftig than today’s fashion models. Designs for all categories/beings are eligible, if they’re for a Heavyworlder.

10. STAR TREK PRIZES: Didn’t you always wish to design better, more wearable uniforms for the Star Trek movies or TV shows? This is your chance. DUTY UNIFORMS are worn on the ship or on base, and should look good on nearly every body type – not just Hollywood ones. But they should be practical working clothes. DRESS UNIFORMS are meant for pomp and circumstance, and may be more showy. In both cases, be sure to tell us if you are designing for the Kirk time period or the Picard one.

11. COUNTERCULTURE PRIZE: Counterculture fashion is fad fashion, out of the conservative mainstream and usually, though not always, worn by the young. Think of the “Mods” “Punks”, “Beats” “Incroyables” etc. What would the fashion radical wear in the future?

12. All rights to designs submitted to this contest remain the property of the designer, but by submitting them, you agree to their publication in the Future Fashion Folio, their exhibit at CC8, and reproduction for the Fashion Show.

13. Designers wishing the return of their designs may pick them up at the close of the convention or supply a big enough SASE with SUFFICIENT POSTAGE for their return.

14. Designers have the first option on making up their designs for the fashion show. If you have a preference, please let us know when you submit your designs. Please also tell us if the colors of your design are mandatory, or may be changed by the maker.

15. This contest is open to all interested parties. You DO NOT have to be a member of Costume Con 8 to enter designs or be published in the Fashion Folio. If yon wish to participate in the Fashion show, however, you will have to be a member.

16. You may submit as many designs as you wish but all designs must be received by the deadline. Winners will be notified within six weeks.


Send submissions to: CC8 Future Fashion Design Contest, [Address Removed]

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