Costume-Con 6 (CC06): Future Fashion Design Contest Gallery and Rules

Costume-Con 6 (CC06): Future Fashion Design Contest Gallery and Rules

CC06-FS-28b: Court Formal Gown

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CC06-FS-28b: Court Formal Gown | Designer(s): Jennifer Tifft | Maker(s): Victoria Ridenour | Presenter(s): Victoria Ridenour (Photo ID: David Bickford | Event Date: 1988)

Competition Staff & Rules


  • Futuristic Fashion Folio Coordinator: Dianne Dawe (Star)
  • Future Fashion Show: Janet Wilson Anderson
  • Master of Ceremonies: Alison Dayne Frankel*
  • Workmanship Judges: (Show): Dianne Dawe (Star)
  • Presentation Judges: (Folio): Robin Schindler*, Kelly Turner*, Alys Hay, Julie Neff, Janet Wilson Anderson


Fashions of the Future

Future Fashion Design Contest

What kind of clothing will be popular in the far (or near) future? We would like to see what you think! You can design uniforms, evening wear, leisure wear, everyday clothes, etc. Anything that you can possibly imagine! Designs can be for men, women, children, and even aliens. Artistic skill isn’t necessary, send us a SASE and we’ll send you some figures you can draw over. Or, have a friend draw them up.

We have already received designs for this year’s contest! Enter early! Enter often! Remember, the deadline for entries is less than 3 months away, October 1, 1987.

Design Contest Rules

Winning designs can be made up and worn in the Future Fashion Show. If you wish to wear one of your own designs, should it win, please indicate this on the back of the design. Please try to adhere to these rules. Failure to do so may disqualify your entries.

1. All designs must be original ideas. You can draw your design on a traced figure or have someone else draw it, but the idea must not have been used before. If someone other than the designer is drawing the design, please give them credit on the back of the design.

2. Your name and address must be marked clearly and legibly on the back of each design sheet submitted, not just on the envelope or just one of the entries.

3. All designs should be on 8 1/2 by 11 inch paper. White is preferred. Detail work may be put on extra sheets.

4. You may, in fact we encourage you to, submit your designs in color. But we must have a black and white copy of your design for reproduction in the Fashion Folio. Please make sure your black and white drawing is clean and will reproduce well. Remember to put your name and address on the back of each design.

5. All drawings should be copies or any other clear, non-smudging reproduction. Please do not send us original art.

6. Number entries consecutively on the back in the upper right hand comer. Example: if you submit 4 designs, they will be numbered as follows. #1 of 4, #2 of 4, etc. Your black and white set should be labeled: Copy #1,of 4, etc.

7. Also, on the back of each entry, please put the category you would like your design to be entered under (some suggested categories are: Evening Wear, Work Clothes, Everyday Clothes, Leisure Wear, Sports Wear, Play Clothes, Ceremonial or Religious outfits, Uniforms, Space Suits, Theater and Dance Wear and anything else you can imagine). Also write a short description of the design, what materials should be used, what kind of people would wear the design, etc.

8. Enter as many designs as you wish and as often as you wish, ENTRIES MUST BE IN OUR HANDS BY THE DEADLINE OF OCTOBER 1, 1987. This is a FIRM deadline, so mark it on your calendar–unlike past Costume Cons, there will be NO extensions!!! (If you tend to procrastinate, mark a September 1 deadline and then give yourself another month to get your designs done.) THERE WILL BE NO EXCEPTIONS TO THE DEADLINE!.

9. Please be neat! Make your design lines clean and clear. Use a fixative on anything that may smudge before you mail it to us.

10. You do not have to be a member of Costume Con 6 to enter the Design Contest. However, if you wish to participate in the Fashion Show, you must be a member of Costume Con 6. This contest is open to any interested person of any sex or age.

11. Your designs will not be returned unless you request it and have included a big enough SASE with sufficient return postage enclosed.

12. By submitting designs to Costume Con 6 you agree to the non-profit use and publication of said designs by Costume Con 6, prior to and during the run of the convention. All rights will revert back to the designer after the convention.

We look forward to seeing your designs published in the Folio and created for the Fashion show.

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