Costume-Con 5 (CC05): Future Fashion Design Contest Gallery and Rules

Costume-Con 5 (CC05): Future Fashion Design Contest Gallery and Rules

CC05-FS-07: Children's Recreation Organizer

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CC05-FS-07: Children's Recreation Organizer | Designer(s): Linda Bowland | Maker(s): Linda Bowland | Presenter(s): Linda Bowland (Photo ID: Linda Sweeting | Event Date: 1987)

Competition Staff & Rules


  • Fashion Design Contest: Denice Girardeau
  • Future Fashion Show: K.C. Kozminski, Mary Denise Smith


For CC5 the Future Fashion Design Contest will try something a little different: A scenario is being given to base designs on. It is written so that there is ample leeway to develop a wide variety of designs and it also allows the Fashion Show to plan a set as a backdrop for the event. You must use the scenario as a basis for your designs.

There will be two awards given at CC5 for the Fashion Show entries that are constructed: One will be for specific workmanship; the other for execution of the entire design.

Entries must be postmarked no later than November 30, 1986. The Folio will be published in January, 1987. This contest is open to anyone. You do not have to be a member of CC5 to enter.


History: It is postulated that the planet was artifically created or enhanced millenia ago by an ancient and incredibly decadent civilization to be its vacation dreamland. The planet itself has a constant temperature of 78 degrees and is covered by warm oceans, lavender sands, palm trees (or the native equivalent) and soft tropical breezes. There are virtually no seasonal changes except for a brief windy season (ideal for sailing and wind-surfing). The days on Alpha-Mediterrane are about 34 hours long – because of its extremely eccentric axial tilt, 24 hours of that are daylight. Alpha-Mediterrane takes nine months to complete an orbit around its two suns.

Remnants of its ancient civilization can still be found, especially near beaches as the Water deity was almost as important as the Festival deity in the lost religion of A.M. (the inhabitants of which disappeared without a trace some 20 thousand years ago – some say they partied to death!). Other deities include – Sun, Sailing and Intoxicating Beverages. (They even had one that was the patron of deliria tremens.) It has been a matter of some speculation that there were many demigods – Stars, Sand Crabs, the ripener of the first Gahooley Fruit… any excuse to throw a festival was taken! The gender of these gods is uncertain; one hypothesis is that the original inhabitants were genderless. Another is that perhaps they changed their gender to suit their situation.

Current Status: The planet was rediscovered approximately 37 years ago and taken over by the off-spring of the Triganeaux family, who turned it into a resort based on old Earth’s Club Med. The planet is staffed by friendly G.O.A.’s (Gentile Organazotier’s – Alpha — adult camp counselors, human and otherwise) and boasts the usual variety of land and water-sports besides carrying on the club’s reputation for fine food and extensive partying. The club has recreated some of the original festivals of A.M.’s ancient deities, as well as creating some of its own, and a good time is had by all.

But somewhere in the universe there is always a party pooper.

The Guests:

Arrival – Guests of all shapes, sizes, races and biology (excluding the extreme frigid dwellers) come to A.M. dressed in clothing of their native planets, which they exchange for fashionable warm weather clothing.

Night life – Though the night is relatively short it brings out the exotic and bizarre in dress and behavior.

Funerals – Although it is generally kept hushed up, one of the larger islands is kept as a cemetary for those guests who party to the limit. The funerals are lavish and have been known to degenerate into something less than respectful.

Weddings – The rich pay exorbitant fees to stage their weddings here. These too can go from extremely tasteful to terribly tacky.

Maternity – Some people who come to A.M. stay so long they reproduce themselves several times over.

Children and Teens – People who bring children are shunted to another part of the planet and pay really top prices. The teens are often caught trying to commandeer water and small air craft to get to the singles areas.

The Staff:

The Triganeaux family may be human. Maybe not. One thing is sure; they are incredibly wealthy and aren’t afraid to show it.

The Resort Manager is the next most important person below the T. family.

Security is handled by a staff that is both outwardly visible and inconspicuous among the guests. Some are even stationed on an orbiting platform to discourage raids from acquisitive pirates and party crashers.

The Sports Instructors are equipped to give lessons on a variety of sports, from old Earth Polo to Gamma Tau 47-being Water Squamish, and all other games approved by the Interstellar Olympic Committee.

The Grounds and Kitchen staff are the finest that can be kidnapped.

The Medical staff has been recruited from the galaxies top medical schools. They dispense medication, both recreational and prescription, treat hangovers, perform emergency treatment including surgery and last rites as needed.

Dancer’s, Singer’s, Actors etc., – The creme de la creme of the galaxy perform here. They present plays and entertainments which cover the gamut of lost civilizations of the Universe, legendary characters or any theatrical extravaganza which has ever been imagined in the minds of sapient beings.

*Special Non-costume category – Design a logo for Club Alpha-Med.


1) All entries must relate in some way to the Club Alpha-Med scenario. You are not limited to the categories listed in the scenario. They are given as examples and guidelines. Categories for judging will be added as needed. (If you need another copy send a SASE to D. Girardeau (Address Removed).

2) All entries must be on 8 1/2″ x 11″ white paper.

3) All designs must be the conception of the artist although the figures can be traced or drawn by someone else.

4) There is no limit to the amount of entries you may submit as long as they are postmarked before the deadline.

5) Submitted designs must be xeroxes or other clear reproductions. Do not send original art.

6) A11 designs submitted must be in black and white. You may submit colored copies of your designs if you wish, but for reproduction in the Fashion Folio of winners we must have copiable b&w. Be sure to have your name and address on the back of each of your color copies.

7) Neatness is essential. Please make design lines neat and clean and spray smudgy work with fixative before mailing.

8) Number entries consecutively and indicate on each design how many entries there are in all (i.e., #1 of 7, #2 of 7 etc.) per mailing. Please date all entries.

9) Your name and address must be on the back of each sketch, not just on the envelope or only one of the sketches.

10) Identify character or design details on the back of each design.

11) Designs will only be returned if so requested and sufficient postage has been included.

12) This contest is open to any person; you do not have to be a member of Costume Con 5 to enter.*

13) Non-profit use and publication of all designs submitted is the right of the East Coast Costumer’s League. You agree to this by entering sketches in this contest. Rights will revert to the designer after CC5.

14) Failure to follow the rules could result in your designs being disqualified.

Mail to Fashion Show c/o D. Girardeau [Address Removed] (Disregard name on flyer)

* Those who are not paid members of the convention who would like to receive the Folio must send $3.00 check or money order.

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