Costume-Con 4 (CC04): Science Fiction & Fantasy Masquerade Gallery and Rules

Costume-Con 4 (CC04): Science Fiction & Fantasy Masquerade Gallery and Rules

CC04-SF-21b: Dune, The Beginning

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CC04-SF-21b: Dune, The Beginning | Division: Master | Category: Recreation | Designer(s): Bob Ringwood | Maker(s): Duke Leto: John Youden, Jessica: Karen Turner, Paul Atreides: Kelly Turner‡, Bene Gesserit: Julie Neff, Dr. Yueh: Randy Neff, Padishah Emperor Shaddam IV: Gary Anderson‡ and Princess Irulan: Janet Wilson (white dress) and Dianne Dawe (blue dress) | Presenter(s): Bene Gesserit: Julie Neff and Dr. Yueh: Randy Neff | Presentation Award(s): Best in Show (Photo ID: Al Gillen | Event Date: 1986)

Competition Staff & Rules


  • Science Fiction Masquerade: Kathy (Bushman) Sanders
  • Master of Ceremonies: Steve Barnes
  • Presentation Judges: Laurie McDonald, Phillip Mercier, Jennifer Tifft


The Science Fiction and Fantasy Masquerade at CostumeCon 4 will be held on Saturday night at 8:00 p.m. in the International Ballroom. Registration forms are available at the Convention registration table. They should be legibly filled out and returned with any cassettes by 3:00 p.m. Saturday.

All Science Fiction and Fantasy contestants will report to the green room at 7:00 p.m. Saturday.

DIVISION SYSTEM – The CC 4 SF & F Masquerade will be run on the Division system. Enter in the division you feel best describes your level of skill. If you are uncertain, ask either of the chairmen.

NOVICE – Anyone who has not won an award at a major convention.
(A major convention is a Worldcon, CostumeCon, or a big regional convention like Westercon.)

JOURNEYMAN – A costumer who has taken at least one award at a major convention.

ARTISAN – A costumer who has won three or more awards at major regional conventions, but not yet three awards at Worldcon, or who has won at least one award at the Artisan level.

MASTER – A costumer who has won at least three awards at Worldcon or has won at least once at the Master level at Worldcon.

RE-CREATION – A costume whose design is copied or derived from film, television, art, comics, stage presentation, book illustrations, or other medium showing more than one view of the costume. Since re-creations are not the original designs of the maker of the costume, but rather reproductions or adaptations of designs, they require different skill and will be judged separately.

Those entering re-creation costumes are encouraged to provide the judges with photos/xeroxes/references of the costume they are attempting to duplicate. The judges may not be familiar with the source of the costume and documentation can be helpful. However, please limit the quantity provided. The judges will not have the time to look at reams of paper.

In the case of groups, the division would be determined by the group’s most skilled member. Again, if you’re not certain, ASK!

PRESENTATIONS – There will be no live microphone, and contestants are strongly discouraged from attempting to address the audience without it. If you want spoken words in your presentation you may 1) provide a TYPED copy for the MC to read, including any information on when the MC should read your copy or 2) tape all copy on a standard cassette which can be played for you. You may also put background music on tape.

LABELLING TAPES – Label the cassette box and both sides of the tape with your name and your costume name. Mark the side you want played “PLAY THIS SIDE”. Mark the other side “WRONG SIDE”. Make sure your tape is cued up and ready to play, so the sound man need only drop it in the player and press the button.

You must turn in tapes and a legibly filled in registration form, by 3:00 p.m. Saturday. (Make a duplicate tape if you want to practice up to the last minute.)

REMEMBER: It is the costumer’s responsibility to make sure his materials are correctly prepared, the tech crew, backstage crew and MC are briefed on his requirements, and that he is familiar with the stage conditions. The Masquerade crew will do everything possible to help you present your costume in the way you wish.

TIME LIMITS – The maximum time is 60 seconds for 1-4 persons, 90 seconds for 5 or more people. Anything beyond this should have been OK’d before the convention. If you haven’t done so already, it’s too late.

WEAPONS POLICY – In general, nothing will be permitted on stage that can endanger the audience, crew, or judges. Due to fire regulations, no open flames, fire, flash, flash powder, etc. will be allowed at all! If you wish to unsheath edged or projectile weapons on stage, you must clear your presentation with the Masquerade Director (Kathy Sanders) prior to the start of the masquerade. Contestants ignoring this requirement will be disqualified. We recognize the role weaponry plays in many costumes, and will do everything we can to arrange a safe way for you to display them. Equally, we do not wish to lose any costumers!


1. No messy substances, wet, dry or oily, that might ruin the costume of any other contestant will be allowed in the green room or on-stage.

2. This Masquerade is rated PG-13. Please–no flagrant nudity. Remember there will be children and non-costumers present and use discretion in the amount and location of skin shown. And, of course, no costume is no costume. Also, if your costume might attract unwelcome comment, please keep it covered until you reach the green room.

3. The only people allowed backstage prior to the masquerade will be the costumers, backstage crew, and identified costumers’ go-fers. If you bring your own dressers or crew, they must be identified when you check in and wear backstage crew badges. Their first obligation is to you, of course, but if they are just standing around, the backstage director may draft them to help. We will have den mothers and mother’s helpers to give you backstage help if you need it.

4. No flash photography allowed during the Masquerade itself. Available light photographers are fine.

5. Each contestant may appear only once in the competition. A costumer may have more than one costume in competition, but they must be on different bodies.

6. Purchased or rented costumes may not be shown in competition. This Masquerade is for original work. However, you need not wear it yourself if someone else has a better body/style for it. Just be sure your registration form tells us who is the model and who is the designer and/or maker.

7. Hall costumes are ineligible for competition. If it has been worn as a Hall costume at this convention prior to the masqerade, IT IS NOT ELIGIBLE FOR THE MASQUERADE!

8. The Masquerade Director has the full authority to eliminate anyone from the competition on the basis of danger to the audience or contestants, violation of the above rules or any other reason deemed sufficient. There will be no appeal.

9. Please be kind to yourself on the day of the competition. Finish your costume ahead of time, so you can get some sleep the night before. Don’t forget to eat and drink something in the late afternoon. We will have snacks and liquids backstage for you. Check in on time and try to relax. Let your Den Mother take care of you beforehand and your excess belongings while you are on stage. Stay in one place so you can be found when it’s your time to go on stage. Let the crew help you on and off stage so you don’t fall. Don’t worry about leaving things behind on the stage; the stage ninjas will retrieve them and get them to your Den Mother for you. Take a deep breath and go for it!

(Adapted from The Kennedy Compendium by Janet Wilson (Anderson), Kelly Turner* and Marty Gear*. Used by permission.)

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