Costume-Con 2 (CC02): Science Fiction & Fantasy Masquerade Gallery and Rules

Costume-Con 2 (CC02): Science Fiction & Fantasy Masquerade Gallery and Rules

CC02-SF-01a: Labia Majorum

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CC02-SF-01a: Labia Majorum | Division: Novice | Category: Original | Designer(s): Jodi Pool | Maker(s): Jodi Pool | Presenter(s): Jodi Pool | Presentation Award(s): Best SF Novice (Photo ID: Marty Gear | Event Date: 1984)

Competition Staff & Rules


  • Masquerade Director: Brian Mix
  • Master of Ceremonies: Greg Bear
  • Presentation Judges: Astrid Anderson, William Rostler*, John Trimble


Note: Combined Rules for Science Fiction and Historical Masquerades

1. A costume can only appear in one masquerade at Costume Con II. A contestant is welcome to appear in either or both.

2. Costumes that have won an award at a WorldCon, a major regional convention (Westercon, Boskone, etc.) or Costume Con I are not permitted to compete. You are very welcome to present your past triumphs at the intermission.

3. Presentations shall not exceed one minute on stage. Exceptions will be made, but you must clear it with the Masquerade Director before the convention. Arrangements can be made at the convention if you’re willing to risk being turned down because all the exceptions have been used up. Early is better than late.

4. Blades, other dangerous weapons, and combat routines must be cleared for safety prior to the masquerade. We don’t want you to injure either yourself, your friends or the audience.

5. You must leave the stage as clean as it was when you set foot on it. Pick up any mess your costume generates!

6. No rented or professionally-obtained costumes will be considered for competition. (This means Western Costume, etc., is a no-no. Your friend the weapons-maker who sells things at conventions is okay.)

If there is anything that you want the judges to know about your costume, please attach a sheet (neatly typed or printed!) to your entry form. This could include detailing not visible from the outside (corsets, etc.), the source you are creating/recreating from (just because you know about the Toltecs, or the cover from the June 1939 Amazing doesn’t mean the judges do — so help them get educated).

We exclude no source of inspiration: any historical period or culture is eligible, as are any written or visual media, and of course your own imagination.

The stage will be set up for inspection and practice in the late afternoon prior to the masquerades. You’re welcome to bring tape to mark out your routine.

A microphone will be available for presentations. However, we strongly suggest that you bring a tape and lip-sync to it. Tapes must be clearly marked with your name, the side to be played, and must be cued so that your music/voice will come up in a few seconds.

There will be a $1.00 entry fee for each masquerade. This covers the cost of a Polaroid photo of you, which is an invaluable aid to the judges (it gets attached to your entry form). The photo is given to you after the masquerade. If you bring a Polaroid-sized photo of your costume, the fee is waived.

Forms should be turned in to Brian Mix, beginning at 5 pm on Saturday, April 14, in the Regency Ballroom. This will be your first opportunity to see the lay-out of the Masquerade stage as well.

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