Costume-Con 2 (CC02): Fashion Design Contest Gallery and Rules

Costume-Con 2 (CC02): Fashion Design Contest Gallery and Rules

CC02-FS-08: Rainbow Jumpsuit

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CC02-FS-08: Rainbow Jumpsuit | Designer(s): Judy Moore | Maker(s): Judy Moore | Presenter(s): Judy Moore (Photo ID: David Clark | Event Date: 1984)

Competition Staff & Rules


  • Fashion Folio: Kelly Turner*
  • Fashion Show Coordinator: Pam May
  • Master of Ceremonies: Pat Kennedy*

1. Submitted designs may be Xeroxes or other clear reproductions.

2. Name and address MUST be on the back of EACH design sheet, NOT just on the envelope or on only one of the sketches. Violation of this rule will eliminate your entries! Also indicate on the back of each entry whether it’s to be returned or not. Repoductions will NOT be returned unless indicated. If you want your material returned, please include sufficient postage. However, we’d like to keep copies of your designs for our files, if possible.

3. Submitted designs must be ORIGINAL IDEAS. Figures may be traced or drawn by someone else, but the idea must be the entrant’s own. Identify source of inspiration – book, movie, etc. – if any. Give artist credit, if other than designer, on back of design.

4. All designs must be on 8.5 x 11″ paper – NO LARGER. White paper preferred. Number entries consecutively and indicate on each design how many there are in all (i.e., “#1 of 5,” “#2 of 5,” etc.) so we know how many entries there are from any one designer. If you submit a second set of designs in a separate mailing, please label each page “Second set: #l of 5,” “Second set: #2 of 5,” etc. Use extra sheets for detail work on a design if necessary. Label these pages “#1A,” “#2A,” “#3A,” etc.

5. Any medium is acceptable as long as it is copyable, or send another COPYABLE sketch along with the original. If your design wins, we want to use YOUR artwork for the Fashion Folio, so we need something which will xerox clearly. Neatness counts! Spray smudgy work with a fixative before mailing. Make design lines neat and clear.

6. Designs may be colored in as long as you include one black and white copy of the design as well, or you can simply indicate colors with a written description on the back of a black-and-white design. Felt pens, watercolors and colored pencils are all good for coloring designs. If you color your designs, label black and white set “COPIES.”

7. THE CONTEST IS OPEN TO ANY INTERESTED PERSON, ANY AGE, ANY SEX – MEMBERSHIP IN THE CONVENTION IS NOT A REQUIREMENT. Interest in science fiction or fantasy is helpful but not required. Enter as many designs as you wish, as often as you wish, before the deadline, November 1, 1983.

8. Non-profit use and publication of all designs submitted is the right of the Fantasy Costumers’ Guild – you agree to this by submitting designs to this contest. Rights will revert to the designer after the conference. (If your design is used, your name will be credited as the designer!)

Even if you’ve never tried to design before, don’t be discouraged. The main idea is to have lots of fun and be inventive. We want lots of entries, so submit designs early and often.

Put an age on your entries, _especially_ if you are under 21. Entries from younger designers may be judged separately.

Some suggested categories:

  • Uniforms (both military and civilian)
  • Street clothes (for different cultures, climates
  • Formal wear (what to wear for a night out on the town)
  • Stagewear (for singers, actors, dancers, musicians)
  • Ceremonial/religious wear (for ambassadors, governors, evil galactic overlords, green priestesses of the cosmic computer, etc.)
  • Children’s clothing
  • Teen’s clothing
  • Wedding clothes
  • Maternity clothes
  • Ethnic wear
  • Work clothes
  • Loungewear/playclothes
  • Pair-up clothes

These can be for humanoids or non-humanoids. Let your imagination run wild! If you don’t see a category here for what you have in mind, invent one and write it on your drawing. The panel of judges will also invent categories as necessary. NOTE: Certain categories receive more entries than others. Last year, we had a glut on women’s evening gowns. Many excellent designs went unrewarded because we couldn’t give ninety-nine honorable mentions! Don’t let this happen to you!

Our panel of judges will be people from the Southern California area with costuming/design/art expertise.

If you want to model your own design (should it win), please write a note to that effect on the back of the design you want so we don’t give it away to another model first. You can indicate first, second and third choices if you want to hedge your bets on having a winning design to make up.

Sorry, only winning designs can be made for the fashion show. If you want to make a non-winning design of yours, try running it in the F & SF Masquerade. (Fashion show rejects _have_ won big in Masquerades before – good fashion is not always good stage costume!)

Anyone who wishes to model should send us a list of their measurements / clothing sizes / coloring along with a recent full-length photo to the fashion show coordinator. Even if you don’t have a perfect body, some design will work for you. However, we want to see that the designs get put on appropriate body types!

Once judging is completed, the Fashion Folio will be made up and sent out to all con members (designers and models will probably receive this a little earlier than everyone else). Models should make a first, second and third choice at that time and mail them to the Fashion Show coordinator. Please DO NOT start making a costume until you have been given the go-ahead!! The coordinator will have the final say on your selection of color, fabric and design. (This is so the right costumes get on the right bodies and we don’t have a monochrome show – last year’s was predominantly _blue_!) She is not a tyrant; just send swatches for approval. Some variation from the colors indicated on designs may be necessary to achieve a color-balanced show.

You must pay for your own costume. If you are a non-sewer, you must find a seamstress in your area to help you. We can offer fabric/color/pattern suggestions, technical advice and hints on where to shop, but you’re mostly on your own.

The co-ordinator MUST have a photo of you in your costume two weeks before the convention. We were lax on this last year because of time constraints. This year there will be plenty of lead time to make up costumes, so be forewarned!!! The coordinator may have suggestions for final touch-ups to make your costume _perfect_.

If you won’t be modeling but have a knack with hair, makeup, etc., volunteer to help as Fashion Show staff. We need volunteers!


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