Costume-Con 1 (CC01): Science Fiction & Fantasy Masquerade Gallery and Rules

Costume-Con 1 (CC01): Science Fiction & Fantasy Masquerade Gallery and Rules

CC01-SF-20: Serithé

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CC01-SF-20: Serithé | Division: Novice | Category: Recreation | Designer(s): Carol Reske | Maker(s): Carol Reske | Presenter(s): Carol Reske | Presentation Award(s): Best Novice Recreation (Photo ID: David Clark | Event Date: 1983)

Competition Staff & Rules


  • Science Fiction & Fantasy Masquerade Director: Brian Mix
  • Master of Ceremonies: David Gerrold
  • Presentation Judges: William Rostler*, Karen (Schnaubelt) Turner, Bjo Trimble


1. Each entry has one minute on stage (Exceptions can only be authorized by the masquerade director.)

2. Costumes that have won an award at a Worldcon or other major regional (Westercon, Boskone, etc.) should not be run in competition, however you are more than welcome to show it at intermission.

3. Blades and other dangerous weapons must be cleared with the masquerade director prior to the masquerade.

4. Messy costumes can be a pain, but they can also be fun. The problem is the mess left on the stage. So if you can leave the stage in the same shape you found it, you can be as messy as you want (Remember you only have 60 seconds.)

5. Any inappropriate costume may be disqualified by the masquerade director.


A. It is stongly suggested that all re-creation costumes bring a photo or color xerox of the costume/book cover/etc, that your costume is based upon. The judges cannot be fair to you if they are not familiar with the source and have nothing for comparison.

B. There will be no second run-through, so plan your presentations for a one-time shot.

C. There will be a special workmanship award for those interested.

D. The stage will be available for inspection and rehearsal between 4:00pm and 6:00pm on Saturday. Feel free to bring some masking tape for marks on stage.

E. You may use music in your stage presentation as long as it is taped on a standard cassette tape.

F. There will be a $1.00 registration fee for the masquerade to cover the cost of a Polaroid photo that will be given to the judges to refer to during deliberation.

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