Costume-Con 11 (CC11): Historical Masquerade Rules

CC11-H-01: German Renaissance Children

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CC11-H-01: German Renaissance Children | Division: Young Fan/Junior | Category: Hist. Interpretation | Designer(s): JoAnn Abbott | Maker(s): JoAnn Abbot | Presenter(s): Elizabeth Abbott and Edward Abbott | Presentation Award(s): Best Renaissance Junior (Photo ID: John Upton 93-N10-00A | Event Date: 1993)

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Costume-Con 11 (CC11): Future Fashion Design Competition Gallery and Rules

CC11-FS-01a: Bride of the Cobra

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CC11-FS-01a: Bride of the Cobra | Category: Future Fashion | Designer(s): Bruce Mai | Maker(s): Sandy Pettinger and Pierre E. Pettinger, Jr. | Presenter(s): Sandy Pettinger (Photo ID: John Upton 93-N07-04 | Event Date: 1993)

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Costume-Con 11 (CC11): Science Fiction & Fantasy Masquerade Gallery and Rules

CC11-SF-01: Cinderella's Wedding

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CC11-SF-01: Cinderella's Wedding | Division: Journeyman | Category: Original | Designer(s): Zelda Gilbert | Maker(s): Zelda Gilbert | Presenter(s): Anna Gilbert | Workmanship Award(s): Best use of Helium | Presentation Award(s): Most Beautiful Journeyman | Additional Award(s): 3rd Place Contestant's Choice Award (Photo ID: John Upton 93-N02-01A | Event Date: 1993)

Competition Staff & Rules (more…)

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